safely home

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As they walked Megatron couldn't keep his optics off Optimus, but he noticed something. He pulled Optimus off his shoulder and looked at him. "What is it?" Megatron then realized Optimus was leaking energon. "Why are you leaking energon?" "Well, swindle tried to patch me up but he's not much of a medical bot." Megatron was starting to get worried. "No, why are you leaking energon?" Optimus didn't want to worry Megatron so he said. "That's nothing, I just fell." Megatron looked Optimus in the optics. "Fine, while I was on Delta Ravus, just before the auction, they did this inspection. And they used blades to pull back some of my plates." Megatron was angry. "They hurt you!" "Hey, it's okay. I'm fine" Optimus smiled. But Megatron was now worried. "No you're not. I'm having Soundwave Check you out imdently!" Optimus was a little confused. "I didn't know Soundwave was a medical bot." "He isn't a licensed medical bot, but he is very skilled." Optimus shrugged. "Okay then."

Megatron wasted no time in getting Optimus to the Decepticon base so Soundwave could help him. Megatron walked in holding Optimus, Blitzwing was the first one to see then and since he already knew every about how Optimus had been kidnapped. "Lord Megatron, vhat is he doing here? He should be back at his base." Megatron gave Blitzwing a glare. "I'm having Soundwave fix his injuries." Blitzwing didn't say anything else. Megatron walked into the medical room and he set Optimus down on an examination table then called for Soundwave. When Soundwave came in he was surprised to see Optimus prime in the medical room. "Soundwave, I need you to fix his injuries." Soundwave did what he was told.

Once Optimus was patched up Soundwave left after Optimus thank him. "Now, I suppose I should get you back to your team. I'm sure their worried." Megatron picked Optimus up, setting him back on his shoulder. Then he walked out towards the autobot base. Once they got close Optimus realized. "Wait, do you even know where it is?" "No. "Then where are we going?" "I'm taking you to where I would normally drop you off." "Oooh, okay." Optimus smiled. Megatron smiled aswell, he had always loved Optimuses smile. When they got the the spot by the lake Megatron took Optimus off his shoulder and set him down. "I'll meet you back here in a couple hours." "Okay!" Then Optimus walked back to his base. Megatron stood there for a few minutes, thinking if he should follow him or not. "Skrew it." Megatron waited a few more minutes then, as quietly a bot if his size could, he followed Optimus.

When Optimus reached the base he stopped for a second before going in side. He took a deep breath and opened the door. He walked inside and in just a moment he was off the ground. He was confused. He looked around and realized that he had been picked up by Blitzwing. "Stop intru-... Oh no, I'm sorry." Blitzwing set him down then Bumblebee jumped off his shoulder. "Optimus! You're back!!" Bumblebee hugged him. Optimus hugged him back. "Yup." He smiled. "But I have to ask, why is Blitzwing in the autobot base..?" Bumblebee awkwardly chuckled. "Well all the other bots are out looking for you and I didn't want to be alone. And when we heard you creaping up I got worried and asked Blitzwing to grab you once you came in. Ya know, just incase it was another Decepticon."

As Megatron got closer to what he assumed was the autobot base, he peeked through the window and saw Optimus talking with Bumblebee. He looked to the side and saw Blitzwing. "What is Blitzwing doing here?" Megatron wasn't going to wait to get answers.

*knock knock*

Optimus turned and was confused. Why wouldn't they just come in? He got a little suspicious and whisperd to Bumblebee. "You and Blitzwing need to hide." Bumblebee and Blitzwing backing into one of the rooms. Optimus walked up to the door and cautiously opened it. "What are you doing here!?" There was Megatron standing infront on the door. "I just wanted to check on you." Optimus but his servo to his face plate. "You can't just show up here! Sentinel is here?!" Megatron leaned down. "I know he's not." Optimus sighed. "Uuggghhhhh- fine, you can come in but you need to leave once they here." Optimus opened the door and Megatron walked in. "This is a rather nice base..." Megatron turned to face Optimus. "It feels weird for there to be two Decepticons in it though." Optimus was trying to do his best at acting. "What are you talking about? You're the only Decepticon here?" Megatron gave Optimus a look. "Uh huh... then why is Blitzwing hiding in the room behind me with one of yours?" Optimus gave a longs exasperated sigh. "You guys can come out now." Optimus yelled. Bumblebee peeked out from behind the door. "I'm the only one here, what are you talking about..?" Optimus looked at Bumblebee. "Fine. Come on Blitz." There was a loud crash then Blitzwing slowly walked out of the room with Bumblebee. "Hello, lord Megatron..." Megatron looked at Blitzwing then at Bumblebee. "Judging by the fact that you called Blitzwing by the nickname he never let's anybot use, ever. That would lead me to believe that you are more than just close to him. Indicating that you have know eachother for quite a long time. Am I correct?" Bumblebee looked at Optimus then at Megatron. "Well, since Optimus trusted you enough to, wiling, let you inside. That would lead me to believe that you two have also known eachother for quite a long time aswell." Bumblebee had a smirk on his face plate. Megatron leaned down to the autobot. "It would seem we both have correct observations." "Agreed." Optimus walked up to Megatron and Bumblebee. "Calm down you two. There is no fighting in the base." They backed off and Megatron looked at Blitzwing. "I know your worried I won't let you see him again." Megatron said pointing to Bumblebee. "But, it would be rather hypocritical of me to not allow you, since I would be coming back here myself to see him." Megatron said then pointing at Optimus. "So, you and I will agree to not tell Soundwave or lugnut about this." Megatron raised his servo and him and Blitzwing shook servos. "Now that everything has been settled, I think it's best we get back to base before Soundwave tries to track us." Blitzwing leaned down and gave Bee a kiss then he walked out and Transformered then left. Megatron walked over to Optimus. "I have one last thing to give you." Megatron grabbed Optimus and kissed him. Then he let go and walked away. "Until next time Optimus~" Then Megatron left.

Optimus then remembered he still has a whole team that doesn't know where he is. So, he called Ratchet.

A few minutes later, after everyone had arrived. They where all giving Optimus hugs and telling him how glad they were that he was back and okay. Then Sentinel walked in. Him and Optimus mad optic contact. Sentinel walked up to Optimus and said. "I'm glad to see you mostly unharmed." Optimus knew that was the best he was going to get from Sentinel. "Thank you Sentinel."

when world's collide (tfa megop/blitzbee)Where stories live. Discover now