he found out

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The next morning Optimus was the first one up. He decided to do a check on all the bots, so he started with Ratchet then once he was done with that he decided to check on Bumblebee. He opened Bees door, and infront of him he saw a Decepticon laying there holding Bumblebee. He rushed in and tried to see if Bumblebee was unconscious.

Bumblebee woke to see the main bot he didn't want to see. He quickly sat up. "Optimus? What are you doing here?" "Trying to save you from this Con." "Boss bot wait." Just then Blitzwing woke up and saw Optimus pulling on his Bee. He quickly stood up putting Bumblebee behind him. "Stay back!" This caught Optimus off guard.
Was this Decepticon really protecting Bumblebee? Why? Blitzwing put his blasters down and was about to shoot Optimus when Bee ran infront of him. "Blitzwing don't! He's not going to hurt me!" Blitzwing looked down at Bumblebee. "But he vas hurting jou." "No no, he wasn't, I'm okay I promise." Blitzwing put his blasters back up. "Fine, but I don't vant him touching jou." Bee turned to face Optimus. "I can explain I swear. You just need to trust me." Everything in Optimus was shouting for him to get Bumblebee away from this Decepticon. But, he knew he needed to trust Bee. So Optimus walked up to be pacing his servo on his shoulder. "Ok Bumblebee, I trust you." He saw that Blitzwing looked angry and he took his servo off Bumblebee. Bee sat down and Blitzwing sat down aswell. Optimus reluctantly sat down. "Now Bumblebee, I need an explanation for, him." "Ok boss bot, you just need to not get mad." Optimus sighed. "Ok Bumblebee." "Ok so, a couple months ago-"

After Bee finished explaining everything to Optimus: (it took Bee a solid thirty minutes to explain everything)

Once Bumblebee finished his story Optimus looked up at Blitzwing then back at Bee. "So he hasn't ever hurt you?" "Yup." "And you have fallen in love with this Decepticon?" "Yup." After a few minutes of Optimus thinking he said. "Well, I guess I should make a confession myself." "Wait, really?" Even Blitzwing was a little excited to hear what Optimus had to say. "Well, I have also been hanging out with a Decepticon-"

After Optimus explained everything between him and Megatron:

"You are hanging out with Megatron!?" Bumblebee acted surprised as to not let on that he alrady knew. "Lord Megatron?!" Even Blitzwing was surprised. "Yeah, but you can't tell anyone, especially Sentinel." "We won't, as long as you don't tell in us." "Then I guess we have a deal." Then Optimus stood up and left closing the door behind him. Bee turned to face Blitzwing. "Yes! We can still hang out!" They were both happy. "We do still need to make sure Sentinel doesn't find out. Because if he does, he will mostlikely take you offline." "I could tak him." Blitzwing replied. "As much has I'd love to see that fight, Sentinel is well enough trained that you'd probably eat scrap." "Fine zen I von't fight him... yet." "Blitz, no you are not fighting him." Blitzwing groaned. "Ffiinneeee...." "Good." "But now that boss bot knows about us." "Jes?" "We can become official!" "Ooh ve can!" "Then it's settled we are officially dating!" Bumblebee hugged Blitzwing. "Jes!" "Oh, I know ze perfect place for a date." Random chimed in. "And where is that?" Blitzwing didn't give be an answer, he just picked him up, got outside, then flew off. "Blitz, I need you know where we're going." "Nope." After a couple minutes of flying blitzwing landed, then set Bee on the ground. "See, I know how to pick a good place for a date vith jou." Infront if Bumblebee was beautiful scenery.
He was looking out over a clearing with a water flowing into a river, there were trees in full blossom, and flowers all over the ground. Though Bumblebee wasn't much of a nature bot, he was amazed at the sheer beauty if this place. "Wow, I guess you can." Blitzwing smiled at Bee. Then Blitzwing sat down and Bee sat down next to him.

They stayed there for a while chatting. Then, a around thirty minutes later Bee stood up. Blitzwing was confused. "Vhy did jou stand up?" Bee walked close to Blitzwing, cupping his face in his servos. "Bee?" "Thank you for taking me here." "I'm glad you like it-" he was cut off by Bumblebee kissing him. Blitzwing closed his eyes and kissed him back. They stayed that way for a few seconds then Bumblebee pulled away, only to be pulled back by Blitzwing. A few minutes of kissing later. Blitzwing finally pulled away and looked at Bumblebee. "I'm glad I get to be here vith jou!" Bumblebee sat down. "Me too."

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