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So I'm going time skip ahead a little...(a couple months later;)

It is nearing Christmas as we rejoin the story. Bumblebee and Blitzwing have been hanging out lots, but since Optimus found out about them he doesn't let Bee go on patrol as often. I should also mention that at this point Sari has found out about Blitzwing and Bumblebee. And Optimus and Megatron have been hanging out about once possible twice a week, though Megatron wishes it was more.

As Sari rounded the corner she saw Blitzwing sitting with his stabilizing servos stretched across the grass. "You're here early." Blitzwing turns and looks at her. "I guess I am." He chuckled a little. "I am surprised zat I'm here before Bee is." Sari walked up and sat down beside him. "He said he'll be here soon." While waiting Sari had a good idea. "Hheeyyy, Blitz..." "Jes?" "Have you ever heard about mistletoe?" Blitzwing thought for a second then said. "No, it sounds stupid." Sari chuckled a little. "Well mistletoe is a little decoration is generally hung on a door way, and when two people are underneath it they have to kiss! It is a famous human Christmas tradition that signifies love and romance." Sari knew she had gotten his attention now. Blitzwing switched to hothead. "I have missiles very do I find toes?!" Sari laughed then said. "It's not actual missiles, or toes. It's the name of a plant." "Vell zen vere do I get zis plant?" Sari chuckled to herself a little, knowing exactly what was about to happen to 'poor' Bumblebee. "Let's go but some." Sari stood up and ran off, toward the nearest Christmas store she could remember, as Blitzwing followed.

A while later they got to the store and Sari when inside. Then she came out with a 3 fake mistletoe. She handed them to Blitzwing and said. "Know you need to set them up where Bumblebee with walk underneath them."

A bit later Bumblebee walked into the clearing. "Vat took jou so long?" "I got held up by boss bot, he wanted me to clear the snow off the roof." "Ooh that makes sense." Sari replied. (Blitzwing was standing off to the side, underneath the bearly concealed mistletoe.) "Why is Blitz hiding in the trees?" Bumblebee asked pointing to Blitzwing. "Go ask him, I don't know?" Bumblebee walked over to Blitzwing, unknowingly putting himself directly under the mistletoe. Blitzwing grabbed Bumblebee, pulling him close. Before Bee had a chance to react Blitzwing kissed him. Though Bee was confused, he kissed him back. A few seconds later Blitzwing pulled back and looked down at Bumblebee. "What was that for?" "Jou vere under zhe mistletoe." Bumblebee looked up. He knew what mistletoe was. "Did Sari put you up to this?" He looked over at Sari. "I have you idea what you're talking about." She chuckled. "Uh huh." Bumblebee chuckled a little. "Well now we're both under it so..." Then Blitzwing kissed him again.

Meanwhile at Megatrons base:

"Soundwave!" Megatron yelled as he walked into where Soundwave was working. "Yes, lord Megatron?" "I want you to pull up what you know about this Christmas, the humans keep rambling on about." After a bit of typing Soundwave pulled up the files on Christmas. Soundwave moved to the side and Megatron looked through the file. He was just glancing at them when one cought his attention. And as I'm sure you've all figured out... it was about mistletoe! (Hehehehe! This is going to be good >:D... but don't worry I'm not going to do a repeat of what just happened with Blitz and Bee to Meg and Op.) As Megatron read through it, his first thought was. "I wonder if this works on bots." (Specifically Optimus >:) but he eventually decided to instead just kiss Optimus, instead of relying on some sticks.

Later after Megatron had looked through the files he left, remembering that he was late for his meeting (date) with Optimus. He flew about the window and after about twenty minutes he landed in the forest, scaring Optimus half to death. Optimus had been waiting for Megatron close to thirty minutes. "Slag, don't sneek up on a bot like that!" Megatron looked down at Optimus. "My apologies autobot." Megatron sat down next to Optimus and stared the conversation with. "How are things going at your base?"

(I'm lazy, so I'm not going to type all the talking.)

Before Optimus realized it, the sun was going down and it was getting dark. "I suppose I should get back to base before the others start to worry." "Same time next deca-cycle, autobot?" Optimus was a bit annoyed. "Do you even know my name?!" Megatron decided to use this as his chance. He pulled Optimus close to him and, without a word, kissed him. Optimus was surprised. When Megatron pulled away he said. "My apologies, Optimus prime." Optimus just stared up at Megatron, lost for words. Megatron chuckled. "Did I finally catch Optimus prime off guard?" Optimus still didn't say anything. Megatron stood up. "See you next deca-cycle, Optimus prime~" Then Megatron transformed and flew off. Optimus ended up just sitting there for another ten minutes, completely lost in his thoughts as to what just happened.

As Optimus walked into the autobot base he still had a look of slight surprise on his face. Bumblebee saw him and said. "Hey, boss bot." "H- hey Bumblebee-" he was still lost in his thoughts. Bee looked at Optimus. "What happened? You look confused." Optimus looked up at Bumblebee. "I- uhm-..." Optimus didn't quite know how to, or even if he should tell Bumblebee what heppend. "I'll tell you about it tomorrow." Then Optimus walked into his room and laid down. He partially hoped some sleep would help.

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