Chapter 6

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𝕬𝖘 𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖉, 𝕯𝖊𝖋𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖊 Against the Dark Arts became the favorite class of that year. Snape was walking around in a foul mood and being absolutely horrid to Neville. That was because Neville's boggart of Snape in his grandmothers' vulture hat and green dress had spread like wildfire through the castle. Even ghosts were chortling about it.

Of course, this brought all the attention off of me. I had resorted back to my happy cheerful self. I alternated studying in the library with either Hermione, Ron, and Harry or with Ginny and her younger friends, between studying in the forest, sometimes with Firenze and Sirius, sometimes with just Sirius, sometimes with just Firenze, or in Dad's office.

I left the castle every morning with a bowl of food so that Sirius didn't have to eat whatever food he could find in the forest. He rarely came into his human position and most of the time, he had to listen to me talk and sometimes I apologized for it and sometimes I was so excited, that I talked and talked and talked.

Of course, on the rare times he did come into human form, I would listen attentively to whatever he had to say.

I like to say that I was studying with Firenze, but the only subject he really liked talking about were Astronomy and Divination. I hated astronomy with a passion, but I was really starting to like divination. It had helped, even from the start of the first class, widen my view and I realized with these classes, I was able to see farther into the future and more distinctively.

Hagrid had unfortunately decided not to up the classes in Care of Magical Creatures class and we were still working on flobberworms. I supposed Snape would be happy because he needed flobberworms for potions.

Nothing important happened between my third day of school and October when Quidditch season started up. I had asked my Runes Professor for private lessons, which were granted to me, and I had also asked dad who had said no.

"You're working way to hard already, Elizabeth." Dad said as I was studying in his office one day. I was a bit put out with his answer, sulking behind my textbook. "You've already got four private lessons and also three more classes than any other person except Hermione Granger. Quidditch season is also about to start and you're already losing sleep. You should really drop one of your private lessons, not add another."

I had sighed in disappointment but hadn't asked again. I knew Harry was going to ask for lessons but wouldn't have them until after Christmas. "Will you teach me the Patronus charm at least?" I asked.

Dad looked up from his stack of papers that he was grading. "Don't you think you should wait until you're older?"

I shook my head. "No. I think I could do it now."

"Well, alright." Dad said hesitantly, his quill paused over the parchment. "Finish your homework and we can work on the charm a little bit today."

I flew through my homework so fast, dad was surprised when I put my ink and quill away. Nevertheless, he got up and we went out of the office and into the classroom so that there was more space.

"Now, you're not going to be practicing on a dementor or even a boggart dementor because you can't choose what your boggart becomes." Dad said. "So we'll just work on the charm for now. It may be easier now than when faced with a real dementor, but at least you'll have the basics down."

I nodded, a bit excited and a bit nervous.

"Now." Dad said. "Each Patronus is different, though since there are only so many animals in the world, there can be repeats."

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