Chapter 6

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Liv glances around the room at the dinner table. The aroma of the food mouthwatering. She hears Stabler rummaging around the kitchen and nervously tries to think of a way to bring up a conversation about the other night at the hospital. Before she gets the chance to dwell on the thought too long Stabler emerges from the kitchen. 2 wine glasses in one hand and 2 bottles of wine in the other. He sets a glass in front of her. "Red or white? He asks softly. "Red." "Red it is." He smiles before setting down the bottle of white wine on the table and pouring her a glass. "Can I get you anything else to drink. Water, soda, anything." "A glass of water would be lovely." She smiles.

"Right away." He takes her hand and kisses it jokingly before returning to the kitchen with the bottle of white wine. "What are you burning in there El? She laughs. " Ha. Ha. Ha." He says and she hears him chuckle lightly. "I'm just kidding it smells lovely I can't wait to try whatever you're making." "Surf and turf" he shouts from the kitchen. "Really, you hate fish Elliot?" He appears in the doorway suddenly and responds "I'm not a huge fan but I know that you like it. Besides that's what the steaks for." He says playfully.

"You like lobster right?" "Of course" she responds gratefully. "Great. He says- a lobster and a steak coming right up. We also have fresh green beans and garlic roasted russet potatoes." "Wow-she says surprisedly-5 star dining.. chef stabler coming right up huh?" He smiles modestly. "I'll be right back." He disappears into the dining room again, this time only briefly before returning with 2 plates one in each hand. He walks over and sets hers in front of her.

"Ahh your water I almost forgot." He runs back into the kitchen and she hears the tap running. "This looks amazing Elliot. Truly, this is unbelievable." He returns with her water and hands it to her. "Thank you.-he says- It was the least I could do." "You didn't have to go to all this trouble just for me El." "I know-he responds promptly-but I wanted to." He says earnestly making her blush.

"If it needs any salt or pepper or anything just let me know." He says as he slides into his seat. She shakes her head in agreement before looking at her plate unsure where to start. "Dig in..I know you want to." He jokes teasingly. She laughs before grabbing her fork stabbing a green bean and funneling it into her mouth. "Mmmm." She points at the plate and shakes her head. He smiles and shakes his confidently before beginning to eat his own food.

The room grows quiet aside from the noise of their silverware clattering against their plates, but despite the silence in the room there's no awkwardness. They both eat their dinner and exchange happy flirtatious smiles. Liv takes a sip of her wine before looking up at Stabler who happens to be already looking at her. She smiles. "So how are the kids." He takes a bite of his food. -"They're okay. It's getting better I think. It's an adjustment for them but things seem to be moving along okay." "That's great. I'm really glad that they're not taking it too hard."

"I am too. It'd break my heart to see them struggling. I mean it already kinda does but at least they're learning to cope, I can't imagine how I'd feel if they weren't." " You're an amazing father to your kids. You always have been. Of course it would break your heart. Your kids have always meant everything to you. I'd be worried if it didn't affect you"

he nods in agreement. Both of them close to being done with their food. "You ready for desert after this." "Are you kidding.-she says jokingly. Are you trying to make me fat and ugly?" "Who are you kidding Liv, you could never be anything less than stunning" he smiles before grabbing his plate and walking over to her. He raises his eyebrows as he tilts his head toward her plate. Making sure it's okay to take it. He grabs it and makes his way to the kitchen, disappearing briefly before returning 2 bowls one in each hand, one large one and one small one. "Do you want to move to the couch.-he motions to the living room-It's more comfortable in there. I figured we could talk..if you want to that is."

"I definitely do." She stands, grabs her glass of wine and begins to make her way to the living room. He tucks the small bowl between his arm and his body, grabs his own glass of wine and follows, his eyes never leaving her body. She nestles herself into the couch, adjusting briefly until she's comfortable. Stabler sets the bowls and his glass of wine down on the coffee table in front of the couch and walks to the back of the room. He turns on some quiet soothing music for background noise.

He takes a seat beside her, grabs his glass and raises it, "To partners. Through all walks of life if life is anywhere near as delightful as my dreams. If not, I'd settle with whatever I can get. Any piece of you more than I could ever wish for." She smiles euphorically and lifts her glass. "I'll definitely toast to that." She responds.

"The other night at the hospital, if I was too pushy-she interjects-"Elliot, I've wanted to talk about this all night, I just wanted to find the right time. You weren't pushy, I had every intention of telling you how I feel about you, if cragen hadn't't interrupted. His face lights up as he waits eagerly. "Okay..."

"Ive always loved you. There's never been a doubt in my mind that you were the one that I wanted to spend my life with. Loving you has been one of the most fulfilling things of my life.-she pauses- it's also been one of the most painful. I've spent hours upon hours in therapy grieving over a relationship I'd never have. From the moment I met you, seeing you with Kathy..I never knew you could be so jealously resentful towards someone you'd otherwise adore if the circumstances were different."

"Liv... I'm.. I'm sorry." He takes her hand in his rubbing it softly."That's just it though you don't have anything to be sorry for. You did everything you were supposed to do. You were loyal and respected boundaries within your relationship and I could never fault you for that. Everything you did, you did because you are a great man. A man that I desperately wished was able to be so devoted to me."

His facial expression shifts. He continues caressing her hand with his thumb."If you let me, I'll love you in a way that I never could have loved her. Ever since we met you were all I wanted and I promise you'll never feel that way again, because from here on out, it'll always be you and I" He barely finishes the sentence before she grabs him and kisses him passionately. He reaches up and grabs the side of her face. Rubbing it gently with his thumb.

Her lips warm and soft. He parts his lips breathlessly. She grabs the back of his head and caresses it gently. His lips moving against hers in the most delicate way. He moves his arm to her back. Rubbing his hands slowly over the exposed skin on her shoulders. Liv slips her tongue in his mouth briefly, taking the kiss deeper before slowly withdrawaling and resting her head against his. "Just so you know, I see a future with you too Elliot."

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