Chapter 3

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She gets back from the restroom and settles into her chair. She doesn't look but she can feel his eyes on her. She bites her bottom lip slightly in an attempt to stop the smile she can feel creeping onto her face. A moment passes and she inevitably smiles anyways. She still doesn't look up from her desk but hears Elliot chuckle slightly before shifting at his desk and leaning back in his chair.

She finally looks up and when she meets his gaze his eyes are already locked on hers, the cap of his pen caught between his teeth, smiling. She blushes and quickly looks away. A few hours go by like that sweet glances, flustered smiles.

Munch stands up and asks if anyone else is hungry, they all abruptly say yes. Munch goes and collects a variety of menus they have stacked over by the coffee machine. "What are you guys thinking?" Liv and Elliot link eyes momentarily not needing words to know what the others thinking, they both reply in unison "Chinese?" Munch and fin nod in agreement. Munch-"Alright well whose going to go collect the goods. Rock paper scissors?" Liv and Elliot look at each other and both stand up "We can go."
"Well okay, that was easy." Fin replies.

They make their way out of the station house into a squad car and make their way to the restaurant. The traffic is kinda creeping along but neither of them says a word knowing it could be so much worse. They get caught at a traffic light and Elliot reaches up and turns on a popular station, adjusting the radio to a good volume. Can't help falling in love by Elvis Presley comes on the radio. They exchange a quick glance before both looking away nervously.

A few verses go by and they're both anxiously ready to jump out of their seats-the tension becoming too much. They both happen to reach up to try to change the station at the same time their hands bump each other and they lock eyes and smile, both appearing to wait for the other to look away, their hands still touching. The light changes and Elliot looks up at it and returns his hand to the steering wheel. The smile never leaving his face. Liv changes the radio station and some upbeat rock song comes on.

They continue on making their way through the traffic to the restaurant. When they arrive Elliot quickly turns the car off to walk around to her side, Livs door swinging open before he makes it halfway around the car. She steps out and starts walking towards the restaurant, he closes the door behind her and takes a few large strides to catch up with her.

When they get to the door they exchange a glance, smile, and he says "After you." Motioning for her to walk through. As she walks through the doorway he can't help but notice that she's wearing tight jeans that cup around her ass. He exhales loudly and walks through the door behind her. They get the food and return to the station a silent intense car ride back.

They start handing out everyone's food before collecting their own and sitting at their desks. They start eating their food and Liv exclaims "Swear that's the best Chinese place around." Elliot laughs and she looks up at him. She can't help but notice this time his eyes aren't focused on her own but rather instead are focused on her lips. His eyes trail from her lips to her breasts then back to her lips before finally meeting her eyes.

She cocks her head to the side, her eyes go wide and she raises her eyebrows. Wondering if he could be anymore obvious. "Hey Elliot can I speak to you for a moment. In private?" "Sure" he smirks. They stand up and look at Munch and Fin who are focused on their food and not paying attention to anything around them. They walk into the night time room where all the bunk beds are.

"What's going on?" She asks as soon as the door closes behind them. "What do you mean? He smiles smugly. "Last night you kiss me and get all handsy in the middle of the squad room and now you won't stop looking at me and flirting with me." He shakes his head and raises his shoulders as if to say he doesn't know.

"What about Kathy. I never took you for the type to be unloyal to someone he's made vows too." He pauses briefly, the smile leaving his face. "Kathy and I are separated Liv." "What, what do you mean, what happened." "It just wasn't working. I'm gone all the time, we didn't have a relationship of anything but convenience, and we realized that all the reasons we got together were no longer reasons to stay together."

She sits down on one of the beds and runs her hand through her hair "Wow. Why didn't you tell me?" He sits down beside her. "I don't know. I think I just didn't want to say anything until it was officially over. Until we had signed the papers.. We're supposed to meet a lawyer next week."

She shakes her head in disbelief and looks at him. "Are you okay. How are the kids taking it?" "Yeah I'm fine. If it hadn't been for the kids, it's a marriage I probably would have gotten out of a long time ago.-He sighs.-The kids aren't taking it the greatest but I think they're finding their own ways to cope with it. I think their biggest struggle is that they didn't see me much when we were together and even less now with us separated."

"Yeah.. yeah I'm sure that they miss you a lot." He exhales loudly. "I miss them too but I could never go back to her, even if she wanted to be with me" "What are you talking about El?" He looks at her in disbelief and sighs loudly. "You really don't know? Are you that oblivious to how I feel about you..?" She pauses unsure how to respond.

"El, I tried not to focus on how we might feel because you were married. You were loyal to Kathy and the kids in a way that only made me love you and want you more. And I wasn't positive if you ever felt the same."

"Of course I did." He moves closer to her. She begins to breathe heavily. He reaches up and grabs the side of her face. "Liv I've been in love with you from the moment I laid eyes on you. You were everything I never knew that I wanted before we met. I mean hell, before you I thought that me and Kathy would live our lives together, happily, but when I met you everything I've ever known went out the window. "

"Why are you telling me all of this?"
He moves his hand to her inner thigh. She takes a deep breath "Because I want you Liv. And I don't just mean sexually, I do have an undeniable desire to touch you and do things to you that I've wanted to for years, but it's so much more than that. I'm in love with you. I want you to be my partner-she looks at him-and no I'm not referring to work."

She leans forward and leans her head against his. Resisting the strong urge to kiss him. "I want you too, El. I always have.-she sighs-we can't talk about this right now though. We have to get back to work before someone notices we're gone." "Okay Liv but we need to find time to talk."
"We will." She rubs his face gently before standing and walking out of the room.

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