Chapter 19

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Tonight's a big night. She slips on her shoes as she thinks back to the night in the bathtub. Where her and Elliot just lay there relishing the simplistic beauty of the moment, the silence and the feeling of their skin against one another. She thinks of how he was so willing and open to the idea of starting a family of their own. He seemed just as overjoyed at the thought as she was. Tonight is a huge step not only for their romantic relationship but for her relationship with the kids. They have a family event planned. A night out at Scene-75 followed by a nice dinner.

She looks herself over in the mirror briefly before spraying herself a few times with her favorite perfume. She settled on something a bit more casual for the evening, some jeans that were bordering that perfect line between not too tight so that she can still walk and bend and have full flexibility but they're also not too baggy. They cup around all the areas they should, the thighs and her bottom but they're not tight enough to restrict movement. Her shirt is a navy blue v neck that cups her breasts slightly and shows just enough cleavage to catch a man's eye but be family friendly.

She puts on some cute stud earrings as she collects her purse and heads for the door. She makes her way through town to Scene 75 and texts Elliot to let him know she's arrived. Her phone buzzes before she has the chance to put it back in her pocket. "Hey Liv it's Maureen we'll be there shortly. We had to turn around because goofball forgot his wallet. See you soon." She chuckles lightly and leans back against her car waiting patiently.

They finally arrive and Olivia eagerly heads over to greet them as they exit the car. "Hey guys!" She says excitedly. Maureen and Kathleen both give her a quick side hug as dickey grows impatient. "Let's head inside I want to play some games." He says impatiently. "Okay okay hold your horses we're going." Elliot responds. The kids quickly start walking towards the entrance doors and Liv and Elliot watch as they eagerly race towards the door. He takes her hand in his as they follow behind them. Leaning towards her and giving her a quick peck on the lips.

They head inside to the front desk and load game cards. One for each kid. "Olivia I want you to come play this with me." Elisabeth says as she takes Olivia by the hand and guides her to a game. "Okay. You'll have to show me how to play it." She replies with a chuckle. "Hey I want to play that!" Dickey calls out. "Okay buddy how about you take my spot and play with your sister." Elliot stands back and admires her warmth and how she interacts with his children. He can't wait to see how motherhood will become her. He can already imagine it. He knows she'll be a great mother and he can't wait to make her one.

The youngest one Eli makes a break from the group and heads towards the Lazer tag room. "Dad, dad can we play this?" He asks excitedly. "Alright buddy let's wait for everyone to finish up the games they're playing." He responds. After a few minutes everyone's games come to an end and they head toward laser tag. An employee greets them and hands them all their laser guns and their designated target tag that the opposing players have to shoot to render a hit signal.

They explore their way through the obstacles of the dark room. Faint lights marking the trails. The only noise you can hear being the noise of the laser guns, all of them running, and cute giggles as the children ban together to take out Liv and Elliot. Shortly later the game comes to an end and the game keeper tells everyone how many times each player was tagged and who tagged the most people. Liv was tagged 28 times. Elliot was tagged 26 next was Kathleen with 22 tags then Maureen with 21, Elizabeth with 19, Eli with 17 then dickie with 15. The person who tagged the most players however was Stabler.

As the winner who tagged the most people Elliot gets a ticket to redeem a large gift at the gift shop. They play a variety of games as they make their way through the building and attractions and as they run out of money on their cards they decide to make one more pit stop before heading to the gift shop. They make their way to a photo booth which has bench seating on the inside. It's still not big enough for all of them and is a very tight squeeze but they all manage to squeeze together for a photo. The kids quickly file out of the crowded booth while Liv and Elliot remain. They take a couple more pictures, one smiling with their heads leaning together the other Elliot turns Liv's face towards his and places a tender soft kiss on her lips to capture the perfect moment.

Elliot begins pulling his head away and as Liv slowly opens her eyes he quickly turns away. "El?" She says. He quickly reaches a hand up and swipes it across his face below his eye. "El what's wrong?" She asks worriedly "Nothing.." he takes her hand in his and smiles as he stands. "Talk to me." Liv continues pressing for information. "There's nothing wrong it's the opposite of wrong. I just can't believe that I have everything I've ever wanted. A job that I love, amazing kids, amazing life... You.." he responds softly. She smiles and pulls him in for a hug. "I want to say for the record, we're all just as lucky to have you in our lives." She responds

"Come on guys stop making out in there." Eli shouts from outside the booth. "Yeah we're starving let's hit the gift shop and go get some food!!" Elizabeth adds. They both chuckle and Liv places one last quick soft kiss on his lips before pulling away and sliding the booth curtain open. They step out slowly. "About time." Kathleen jokes. "Yeah I thought we were going to have to drag you guys out of there." Maureen adds. "Oh come on we weren't in there that long" Elliot states with a laugh. "We're not getting any younger dad." Dickie adds as he nudges Elliot slightly with his fist. "Yeah yeah I hear ya." Elliot says playfully putting dicke in a headlock.

They head over to the gift shop and the kids all spend their tickets on little souvenirs and bracelets and candy meanwhile Elliot ponders how he wants to spend his ticket. He looks around at the countless items before finally telling the employee that he wants to purchase the uno card game to play with his family and that he wants to use his ticket to get the necklace in the case. They collect their gifts and step away from the line out of everyone's way. Elliot takes the necklace out of the bag and tells Liv to turn around. He gently drapes the necklace over her chest and clasps it behind her neck.

"Elliot this is beautiful." She says appreciatively. "Beautiful necklace for a beautiful woman. It suits you perfectly Liv." He says flirtatiously. "Now let's go get some food guys." He says as he guides everyone to the doors. They get in the car and head toward the nearest steak and shake.

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