Chapter 21

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Liv flashes back to that day outside scene 75. She was so grateful for that day because she felt that it was the final step for them to take their relationship further.

Elliot had informed her he felt the same way and several family dinners later they felt like a complete blended family, and it's a good thing because even if she wasn't ready for motherhood, she had to be. She remembers just days after their most recent family dinner taking a pregnancy test. There was an intense fear that overtook her every thought and she had to remind herself that this was something she should be ecstatic for. She knew she had said that she wanted this. She knew that they had agreed to pursue this eventually, she just wasn't expecting it so soon and she wasn't sure that she was ready.

She remembers inviting him over for dinner shortly after taking the pregnancy test. She wanted to tell him immediately but she felt it was most important to deliver the news in person in a happy intimate setting.

She headed off to the store to get all of the items she needed for their dinner and couldn't wait for the evening's events to unfold. She gathered up everything she needed to make the "World Famous" Staber Family Baked Ziti that he had shown her a few months prior. Once she has everything she needs she makes her way to the baby aisle and looks for a proper way to reveal the pregnancy to him.

She finds the perfect baby onesie to gift him at dinner. It reads "I'm proof that mommy can't resist daddy in uniform", with little handcuffs in place of the O's in the word proof. She grabs it and heads to the gift aisle to find a bag to put it in then she heads to the champagne aisle and finds a classy but not overly expensive bottle. She finds a suitable one and makes her way to the checkout. She purchases the groceries and makes her way back home to set up for dinner.

She takes her time making sure that everything is perfect as it gets closer and closer to the time for him to arrive. Just as she's putting the Ziti back in the oven to give it a little longer she hears the doorbell ring and quickly looks at the clock. 7:00 pm sharp. "Shit." She mutters quietly to herself. "I didn't realize it was 7 already." She tries to talk herself down. "It's okay everything's okay he's going to be ecstatic Olivia." She takes a deep breath. "One moment I'll be right there." She calls out.

She quickly checks her makeup and hair in the camera of her phone before locking it and setting it on the bar. She takes a few large strides towards the door and takes one more deep breath before opening it. "Hey she says as the door swings open. As soon as he's in her line of vision she can't help but notice how handsome he looks as he stands there with a charming smile and flowers in his hands. "Elliot those are beautiful." The sentiment almost brings tears to her eyes. Her emotions are all over the place.

"Come in." She says swinging her arm wide for him to enter and he complies he slips his leather jacket off his shoulders and she can't help but remember the day everything first started. The way that he slipped it on as he walked away and how she was so disappointed thinking that it was over before it had even really started.

He makes his way to the coat rack and hangs his coat before finding his way into the kitchen and opening the oven to peek and see what she's making. "Ahh I knew it i could smell it." "Ahh ahh no peeking." She says quickly shutting the door but secretly adoring the fact that he feels so comfortable. "You want me to pour the wine?" He offers opening the fridge she doesn't want him to see the champagne and wonder what they're celebrating and hurries to prevent him from seeing it. She steps in between him and the fridge and closes the door over.

She doesn't want to close it completely in an attempt to not seem suspicious but wants to close it enough he can't see the contents inside. "Go sit." She smacks him in the shoulder. "Let me cook you dinner and do something nice for you. You've spent plenty of time doing the same for me these past 8 months." He rolls his eyes playfully and heads towards the living room. He sits on the armrest of the couch and turns on the football game as he waits for her to finish dinner.

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