Chapter 20

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They arrive at the restaurant and all file out of the car and head towards the front door. When they walk in they're greeted by an employee who asks how many in total and Elliot says 7. The Employee guides them to the biggest table they have and waits for everyone to be seated. As Liv and Elliot begin to sit down together Eli and Elizabeth begin arguing over who's going to sit by Olivia. "Okay guys no arguing" Elliot says. "How about I sit across from daddy and then you guys can both sit by me." Olivia suggests. Elliot raises his eyebrows slightly surprised by how she handled the situation as well as hearing her refer to him as "daddy". As she walks around to the other side of the table he takes a quick glimpse of her ass before it disappears around the table. She takes a seat across from him and Eli and Elizabeth take their seats beside her.

"What will you guys be having to drink?" The waitress asks. "I'll take a coke." Elliot responds without hesitation. The rest of them follow with their drink orders as the waitress hands a stack of menus to Liv and Stabler to pass out. The waitress writes all their drinks down and advises that she'll be back shortly with their drinks and will take their orders then if they're ready. After a few minutes she returns with everyone's drinks and hands them out to everyone and begins taking everyone's dinner orders. The waitress collects the menus and tells them their food should be ready shortly.

As they wait the kids decide to play a 1000 questions. Eli starts with the questions first. "Olivia?" "Yeah?" She says softly. "How long have you and daddy been partners?" They look at each other and smile. She turns her head back to Eli we've been partners for "12 years." His eyes grow wide as his mouth falls open slightly. "Wow. So you were partners before I was born?" Yep. We were partners for quite a few years before you were born." Elliot interjects. "Did you have feelings for Dad when you first met?" Elizabeth asks. "Umm." Olivia looks to Elliot anxiously, unsure how to respond.

Elliot tilts his head towards hers with a comforting look to assure her that it's okay to tell them the truth. "Yes. I've always had very strong feelings towards your daddy." "Did dad feel the same way?" Dickey asks. Elliot and Olivia yet again lock eyes. They both exhale slowly. "I always cared about Olivia and knew that she was a very special person who had a special place in my heart and I knew that I always wanted her to be in my life." Elliot responds.

"And what about Mom?" Kathleen asks gruffly. "Kathleen I'll always have a certain amount of love for your mom. She gave me 5 beautiful children. Shes also an amazing mom and woman, we're just not IN love. I think we were meant to bring amazing babies into this world but weren't meant to spend our lives together. Now I know this is hard on you guys and I'm sorry. Your mom and I are both are. We never wanted to put you through this but we're better apart, we weren't happy anymore. Isn't this better than us fighting all the time?" They all nod apprehensively. "I know that this is something you're still adjusting to but if you guys are patient and give it time I think you'll agree it's for the best."

"Does this mean that Olivia's our new mom?" Elizabeth asks. "No sweetheart. Your mom will always be your mom." "But My friend Debbie's daddy remarried and she calls the new lady her mom now?" Elizabeth inquires. Elliot pauses as he tries to think of the best way to word everything "So if Olivia and I get married some day then she would be your step mom which means you'll have an extra person who is like a mom, who loves you guys and loves me and helps me take care of you but she would never take your mommy's place." Elliot explains. "I would never want to take your mommy's place. You guys have a great mom who I respect and care for. I'd never dream of trying to fill your mother's shoes. My only wish is to be a part of your lovely family. Someday. Whenever you guys are ready to welcome me." Olivia adds.

The waitress returns with all of their food and hands everyone their plates. " Finally I'm starving." Dickey digs in immediately. "Sorry for the wait." She says as she hands out the rest of the dinners. "No worries. Despite what these kids might have you believing, they're not going hungry." Elliot states with a chuckle. They all begin eating their food. The sounds of their silverware clanking against the plates filling the silence at the table.

"So what did you guys do for school yesterday. Does anyone have anything they want to share?" Elliot asks to break the silence. "I got to dissect a frog in biology." Dickey excitedly blurts out. Maureen Elizabeth and Kathleen all scrunch their noses disgustedly. Eli laughs. "Cool. When do I get to dissect a frog" Liv and Elliot look at each other and chuckle. Guys no more talk of dissecting animals while we're eating." Elliot instructs them the smile never leaving his face. "Yeah Dickey that's gross!" Kathleen states. "Shut up!" Dickey responds annoyedly "Hey we don't talk to each other that way. Apologize." Elliot says sternly. "Fine. I'm sorry. He responds angrily as he rolls his eyes. Kathleen sticks her tongue out at Dickey. "Kathleen don't antagonize him" Elliot demands.

"If you guys finish eating your food and continue being good and getting along like you did all day I've got a surprise for you." Elliot states. They hurriedly finish their food and patiently wait for the waiter to collect the check. "Okay guys since you've been so good today I'm going to give you 1 of 2 options. You can either get a shake here -he pauses and looks at them - or we could go to Dairy Queen and you can get ice cream there." "Dairy Queen, dairy Queen!" They all excitedly shout in unison. Dairy Queen it is. They make their way to Dairy Queen and head inside and place their orders. The kids find a table and take their seats as Liv and Elliot stand at the counter waiting for their orders.

"These kids sure are getting spoiled today huh?" Liv says jokingly. "I don't see them that often so I try to spoil them a little. Plus today's a special occasion.-she looks to him- today's the first time we've all spent time together and it feels like a huge step towards welcoming you into our family. That's very important to me and I want to do all I can to make a day of it." He responds. They look into each other's eyes and smile. The employee calls out their order number. Elliot collects the tray and heads to the table. They all grab their dessert and start eating.

"Mmm this is good you should try this." Elliot says extending a spoonful of ice cream to Olivia. She leans forward to take a bite an as she begins to take it into her mouth he quicky tips the spoon upwards smearing ice cream on her upper lip. They all begin laughing hysterically as ice cream drizzles off her lip. She grabs a napkin and wipes her face smiling at him frivolously. "Okay okay here." He says while still laughing. She yet again leans forward to take a bite but hesitates before putting it in her mouth. She turns her head and raises her eyebrows. "I won't do it again." He laughs. "I'm trusting you here." She says.

She takes the bite off the spoon and smiles. "Mmm that is really good." She says. "I know right?" He says. She shakes her head. I definitely have to get that sometime." She adds. "What did you get again?" He asks. "Chocolate sundae." she responds. "Ohh good choice." He states. Before he knows it she's got an arm extended offering him a bite of her ice cream. He smiles skeptically as he looks at the spoon. As he goes to take a bit she too tips the spoon and rubs it across his lips. Everyone laughs. "Really?" He says jokingly. "Sweet sweet revenge." She says facetiously with a laugh. She grabs a napkin and wipes the ice cream from his lips. "Here." She extends her arm and he takes a bite. "Oh yeah. You can't go wrong with a Sundae."

They all finish their ice cream and you can tell the kids are beginning to grow tired after a long day. Okay guys let's head home. They begin to head to the car. "So I'll see you tomorrow?" Liv asks softly as he helps her into her car. "You can come over if you want, or maybe you could sneak over later this evening..?" His eyes trail her body and he winks. "I'm just kidding we don't have to do anything but I'd love for you to come over if you want." He offers. "I don't want to give the kids the wrong idea. I don't want to upset them by moving too fast. Maybe next time. Spend some time with them. Just text me and let me know that you guys made it home okay." She responds.

He nods disappointedly. "I understand. Maybe next time." He agrees. As he leans down resting his arms on the window frame. "Buckle up. Be safe." He says solemnly. "I will." She responds with a smile. He leans in and gives her a kiss. The feeling of her lips on his never fails to intoxicate him as he thinks about how he would gladly stay drunk on her forever. He slowly pulls away as he opens his eyes and gazes into hers. "I hate that I have to spend even 1 more night without you." He says closing his eyes and resting his head against hers. He takes a deep breath revelling in the feeling of their skin touching.

"I hate it too but I want the kids to adjust. I don't want to give them a reason to hate when I come around. I don't want them to think I'm taking you away. She says as she caresses his cheek with her thumb. "I know." He responds as he exhales. "I'll text you to let you know we made it home okay." He gives her another quick peck on the lips and begins backing away from the car. "I might give you a call later tonight so that I can hear your beautiful voice before I go to sleep." He warns. "I'd love that." She responds as she blushes. They lock eyes and pause for a moment. "Goodnight" he says. She reciprocates with a "Goodnight." and a smile before she starts her car and drives away.

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