Chapter 4

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The entire rest of the workday Liv and Stabler spend exchanging sweet loving glances. They finish out the day like they do every other, tidy up their desks, and head for the elevator, both eager to continue their conversation from night room. Just as the elevator opens cragen stops them and says that a new case just came in, a Rape victim. He needs 2 detectives to go talk to the victim, search for witnesses and accompany the victim so they can vouch for the rape kit.

They head to the scene and talk to the victim, alternating whose asking questions, one then the other. Once they've taken the victims statement Liv hops into the ambulance to ride with the victim to the ER and Stabler gets in the squad car and follows. They meet at the hospital and Stabler waits in the waiting room while Liv continues talking with the victim during the rape kit. A couple hours go by and Liv finds Stabler in the waiting room, face gloomy, eyes on a magazine.

She says "Hey partner." As she walks into the room. His face immediately lights up. He sets the magazine down and walks over to her. "How's our vic?" he asks "She's hanging in there. " He shakes his head sympathetically. "We should go voucher this rape kit." She says. "Okay. You ready to go? I'll drive." "Yeah.." she responds hesitantly "Hey everything okay?" "Yeah just thinking about how nice it'd be to have some semblance of a normal life. Even something simple like having a dinner at home for once." She responds.

Stabler shakes his head empathetically. "I may not be able to give you a fancy nice dinner at home but surely we can grab something to eat at some cheap, close, 3 star establishment. After we voucher this kit of course" He says jokingly and smiles half heartedly in an attempt to cheer her up. A smile forms on her face. "Oh wow, my very own prince charming, here to save the day. " She laughs. He raises his eyebrows and shoulders in unison "I know, I know, don't mention it, no need to thank me." She laughs "Well thank you anyways."

"Of course-his smile leaving his face and being replaced by a sincere one- What kind of charming partner would I be if i didn't make sure you were okay and happy." She smiles from ear to ear, touched by his kindness. He lovingly smiles back. They start making their way out of the hospital. "Okay let's go get you a greasy burger" he jokes. She laughs and then turns her nose up and shakes her head. "No..? Hmmm chicken? She shakes her head no again. He sighs facetiouslly-she laughs- tacos?" "Hmm I think you got me there." She replies "Just when I think I couldn't love you anymore." He says.

She stops dead in her tracks and locks eyes with him. "What?" He says innocently. "Nothing just weird to hear you say that." "In a good way or a bad way? He asks anxiously. "It's not a bad thing. I don't know El.. it's just.. I wanted to hear you say how you felt for years and now hearing you say things like that.." she pauses. "It just throws me off guard to hear you say it so casually."

"Liv you need to know that every moment I've spent with you these past years I've desperately wanted to tell you how I felt, I just couldn't, I was married and there was boundaries that I couldn't cross because I knew I'd never forgive myself. Every time I was anywhere near you it took every fiber of my being to not pull you to the side and tell you that I'm irresistiblly, undeniably, madly in love with you and I can't spend anymore time pretending that I'm not. I couldn't take it, so if you don't feel the same for me, tell me now so that I can go ahead and schedule an appointment with a therapist."

The room goes silent. Neither of them saying anything for a few minutes. The words still hanging in the air-Still echoing in her head like a thick fog, clouding up her brain. He sees the tears welling up in her eyes and pulls her into his arms. "Liv you have always been IT for me. You're all I could ever want. I'm so sorry that you spent so many years questioning my feelings for you. And I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to tell you. But I can't say it enough now, I'm in love with you. Please tell me that you love me too.."

She hugs him tighter. The tears rolling down her face. Despite the fact that their body's are tightly pushed against each other she can't seem to hold him close enough. She burries her head in his chest and inhales deeply the tears dampening his shirt. He runs his fingers through her hair gently and rubs her back with the other. She finally composes herself and looks up at him. They're eyes locked on each other. "I want you to know-she pauses when she hears her phone ring-Its cragen I have to answer"

"Hey Captain." Elliot stands there eager for her to get off the phone intensely hyper focused on her every move, everything else fading away.

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