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"What are you doing?" you heard a voice behind you leaning over your shoulder.

"None of your business jerk." you glared at your older brother, edging your laptop away from him so he couldn't take a peek.

He snatched it out of your hand anyway.

"You're signing yourself up for Total Drama?? Are you insane!?" he shouted giving you a wide-eyed look as if you had done something wrong.

"Shhh you're being too loud! And yes I am signing myself up for Total Drama. Got a problem?"

"Does mom know?" asked you're brother giving you a raised eyebrow.

You ignored the question and grabbed the laptop back from him, continuing to fill in your application form.

Having had watched Total Drama season 1 and 2, you couldn't help but wonder how it would feel like to win a million dollars.

You were aware of most of the people who took part, taking a mental note of who was nice and who not so much.

It wasn't that you were greedy or money-hungry, you just needed funds to achieve your goal: to go to medical school.

'Nerd' wasn't the exact word to depict you but after your brother had gone ahead and thought it was a good idea to become a sportsperson.

You were left to follow in your mother's footsteps and pursue to be a doctor. Leaving Canada to go study elsewhere was your plan.

"What do you want the money for anyway?" your brother said looking confused as he watched you type aggressively.

"Medical school, duh." You rolled your eyes to which your brother looked even more stupefied.

"Weird, why don't you ask mom? She'd probably just pay for you." he questioned scratching his head. You shook your head in disappointment.

"Well unlike you lousy sir, I like to earn things my own way. Fair and square." you stated proudly. "Now get out and get lost."

Shrugging your brother left your room, "Suit yourself."

Smiling contently to your self, you pressed the enter key and submitted your form.

Oh, I will.


It had been about a month since you had submitted your application and you were starting to think you weren't going to get in.

It has said they were only accepting three new people so the chances of you getting in were slim.

Regardless, you started going to the gym to build some muscle and endurance, as well as reading up about the outdoors.

Most of the challenges you saw were located outside and so it made sense to do some research.

Also analysing the past seasons to get some insight on the contestants' personalities and habits was a must.

You had already made a list of people not to interact with and people you probably wanted to be friends with.

That's actually what you were doing when you got a notification from your inbox.

At first you ignored it, watching intently as Owen's farts spread like wildfire. That was something you were going to try and avoid for sure.

Eventually you clicked on your inbox and opened the email,

(Y/N) (L/N)

Well done for being chosen Total Drama World Tour! Not rlly an achievement tho we kinda just picked by random. Reading ur application atm rn.

N e ways, we picked you last minute and so this email is coming kind of late. We're actually starting tomorrow so I hope you've packed already and stuff EL OH EL.

See u there 🤣

Chris Mclean

You blinked once, and then blinked again,

Rereading the email you couldn't beleive what you had just received. You had so many questions and this email seemed so... unofficial.

What did he mean by 'World Tour'? Why had he sent the email the day before you needed to be there? Why was Chris such a prick?

Groaning you buried your head in your hands.

What have I signed myself up to?

tough luck - ALEJANDRO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now