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Luckily the rabid mountain goat went for Team Victory instead who were riding down on their sausage just next to yours. While they were distracted you guys sped ahead leaving them behind.

As you passed one of the worn-down looking trees, Alejandro picked up a long stick and started steer Owen down the hill resulting in your team becoming much quicker.

You could see the finish line in sight but towards the end there were even more rocks and obstacles in the way. You weren't entirely sure but it seemed as if Alejandro was steering into some of them on purpose to hurt Owen.

In the end, your team ended up coming first with Team Victory following close behind and Team Amazon all rolling down in a massive snowball coming last. It didn't matter because you all ended up crashing into each other in the snow at the bottom of the hill as there was nothing to break the impact.

"Congrats on arriving first Team Chris is Reeeaaally Hot! Way to use Owen's face as a break pad Alejandro." Chris said next to us stood upon some kind of stage.

Looking over to Owen, he seemed to be normal size now as he brought his head out of a pile of snow and started mumbling but his words were all muddled up. He most likely hit his head hard.

I get the feeling that Alejandro doesn't like Owen or something.

"Now, onto part zwei of today's challenge! Competitors must learn and perform a traditional German dance on this very platform." he was stood upon a wooden stage that had 4 pairs of dancing mats.

"The mats are rigged to deliver a hilarious and painful jolt every time one of you missteps, or when I need a laugh." he said chuckling "last team standing wins."

"Where's the reward you promised?" Leshawna asked pointing an accusing finger at Chris.

"Patience mein flower. Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot, first to arrive first to get the reward." Chris said looking over to Chef stood next to him. Chef tossed your team three metal helmets with spikes on top. You, Alejandro and Noah were closest and caught the hats, Noah nearly immediately dropping his.

"Ugh, these way a ton!" he complained, you admit they were a bit heavy.

"Yes they do." Chris said, as if that alone was enough of an explanation. "And for Team Victory-"

Chef tossed Team Victory three fluffy hats and Lindsay squealed, something about them being trendy.

"And in last place, Team Amazon." Chris said finally as Chef through the last type of hats towards Cody, Sierra and Heather. They received green fedora-looking hats with a red feather sticking out.

"Maybe it's reverse psychology, the losing team get the best reward?" Sierra said optimistically putting the hat on her head.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Chris glared at her "Now, since Team Elusive Victory is down by two let's even it up. Amazon and Chris Is Really Really Really Hot, three dance and two sit out." 

Cody and Heather put the hats on for Team Amazon while Alejandro and Noah put on their hats. You looked towards Owen, Tyler and Izzy incase any of them wanted to do it instead but none of them looked eager. Reluctantly you put the overly-heavy hat atop your head.

I guess I'll do it then.

"And Victory, two dance one sits out." Chris said and Lindsay volunteered excitedly to be the one sitting out.

"Three against two, how is that fair?" DJ asked

"You're kidding right?" Chris asked, he clearly didn't care "and which member of the losing team must wear the penalty hosen?"

tough luck - ALEJANDRO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now