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After a little while longer of paddling, Team Amazon had eventually caught up, but you saw that Heather wasn't on the boat with them. You looked around and saw her way behind on DJ's boat getting the motor to start, still probably trying to pressure him into an alliance.

Alejandro had told you to leave DJ and take a break trying to get him on your side, saying he had another plan in mind. But you were starting to worry that Heather would beat you guys to it. You didn't have long to think about it when suddenly the painfully familiar bell chimed and you groaned.



Team Amazon had gone off track for some reason however DJ and Heather were the opposite. In their motor boat they overtook your team in no time and ended making it to the shore before you.

Heather immediately started cheering but it was as if DJ hadn't noticed he had won because as soon as your team's boat landed on the shore, the look of realisation crossed his face.

"In an out of nowhere come from behind finish, Team Victory is first!" Chris announced coming down in a jetpack.

Your team at this point got out the boat and started to walk over to the three. You weren't too annoyed about coming second in this challenge because apparently there was still one more challenge left.

"I just cannot lose!" DJ complained, as if it was another curse on top of his animal one.

"Heather on the other hand, seems to be missing her whole team." Chris said which caused Heather to start looking out to sea in hopes of seeing Team Amazon nearby, but they were nowhere in sight.

"Where are they!?" she said annoyedly but Chris just continued.

"Okay everybody! It's time for the next leg! Since Team Amazon were the big losers, they'll have to clean the fish and the lobsters the other teams brought in and shuck all these clams." he said and Chef brought a whole bucket of clams causing Heather to gasp.

"When the whole team gets here you mean." she said with her arms crossed.

"Yeah... but you're here." Chris said holding out a clam.

"Not as a team, I'm just here as me." she responded still trying to argue her way out of the task.

"And I'm here as a guy who's hosting a swanky beach shindig in a couple hours. Which he needs some clean beautiful Atlantic clams for. Shuck 'em up sister!" Chris threw the clam directly at her face.

She managed to catch it just before it reached her, but then all the clam juices squirted onto her face to which she groaned.

"I thought the team who brings in seafood gets a special reward?" Alejandro piped up, something you nearly forgot about.

"You do. You get to see Heather shuck clams, how's that for a special reward?" Chris responded and you weren't pleased, there were much better rewards out there that you were already thinking of.

Nevertheless, Alejandro shrugged and let out a 'fair enough'. Heather was left outside to carry out her duty whilst your team and DJ went inside the shack sort-of building that was on the island to compete in the final challenge.

tough luck - ALEJANDRO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now