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"I believe this belongs to you yes?" he said holding up your notebook. You tried hard to mask the look of shock on your face, how the hell did he manage to get that?

"Yeah..." you said cautiously whilst nodding slowly, maybe just maybe he hadn't actually read through it yet.

"Hm, I never knew you had an interest in medicine. I find it quite intriguing." he said flicking through the pages of notes right in front of you. You so desperately wanted to take it off him there and then but didn't want to seem suspicious. There was still a chance he hadn't seen the page.

"Yet... not as intriguing as this." he said holding the book open to you on the page you were praying he hadn't seen with a cunning smile on his face.

So he's already seen it.

You opened your mouth to say something. Why was he snooping through your things without permission anyway? No way we're you going to let him get away with it. But before any words could leave your mouth, he put his finger to your lips shushing you and again coming dangerously close to your face intimidating you in the process.

"Take it." he said as he removed his finger from your lips and took your hands placing the notebook in your palms. "I have no need for it, besides I was already aware of your plans."

What? He already knew?

"Huh? But, how-" he cut you off once again.

"I hate to be the one to tell you this," he said suddenly giving you an apologetic look, his hands behind his back once again "but it was Tyler who told me."

"What?" you said in disbelief as you stepped back away from him "No that's... that's not true." Alejandro was most likely lying like he always does, it's something he did regularly.

Alejandro simply shrugged "why else would I look through your notebook without knowing you were up to something? It was your 'friend' that outed you." he said

I hate to admit it but he's right. But why would Tyler..?

"I know it hurts to get deceived, but you can't forget chica you've gone and done the same to thing me." he said pointing at your notebook in your hands.

"What, are you gonna tell the rest of the team what I did or something?" you asked, it wasn't as if he was any better than you.

"Oh of course not! It would be cruel of me to do such a thing, especially since now you don't have a certain someone to vote me out like you were originally planning to do." he said causing you to glare.

"What do you want." you snapped, he definitely wanted something in return as there was a stupid grin on his face that you desperately wanted to get rid of.

"I have two more rules to add to our alliance." he said holding up two fingers.

"You don't need the silly alliance anymore. You read the notebook, you know I wasn't taking it seriously." you stated because it was true, even if at some times you found yourself enjoying working with him it was never legitimate.

"Ah but we make a great team wouldn't you say?" he said and you neither disagreed nor agreed on his comment, instead you insisted he said whatever rules he wanted to say. "One, you're not allowed to tell Tyler about any of this. And two, you're not allowed to vote me out."

"Why would I be apart of that? No way." you said, it was a foolish idea and the only thought you had at the moment was how you would get rid of him.

"Maybe because if you don't," he paused "I can guarantee that you'll be out by the end of the next challenge."

tough luck - ALEJANDRO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now