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The next day you were sat up against the seat in the corner with your back against the wall. It had been a while since you had studied your textbook so you figured it was a good time to do so.

Tyler was sat next to you silently watching you scribble away the notes as you attempted to get the information implanted into your head as you copied them down.

It was then that you remembered you were going to tell him about Alejandro.

The events from yesterday had been on your mind since, you were mad and angry at him. But then again, you've rarely been in a good mood around the guy.

You were planning on telling Tyler but unfortunately a certain Alejandro was in the room, along with the rest of your team and Team Victory. You wondered if there would ever be a chance you'd get to tell him.

Then all of a sudden, you stopped writing and had an idea.

Turning to a brand new page you started scribbling away again and once you were done you handed the book over to Tyler as he read.

Tyler I need to tell you something, again

He looked up at you in confusion after having read the sentence and you took the book back and continued writing.

I forgot to tell you that Alejandro and I are in an alliance, but I'm just playing along. With the alliance he said he won't vote me out anymore so we don't need to worry about that. But he's been pissing me off lately, we need to get him voted off next chance we get.

You handed the book back to him as he read with squinted eyes, he then opened his hand out gesturing that he wanted the pen.

Giving it to him he wrote down what he wanted to and gave the pen and book back to you. You furrowed your eyebrows and frowned upon trying to read it, his handwriting wasn't the neatest.

So, he won't vote you out even if he figures out that you told me about him getting Harold kicked off?

You thought hard about it, you had nearly forgotten that he told you not to tell anyone.

I mean, he probably will vote me if he finds out...

Nonetheless you wrote down your response and showed Tyler.

Nah don't worry, he won't.

Tyler let out a sigh and then smiled and gave you a thumbs up. You returned the smile and put your notebook away next to you on the seat. Unbeknownst to you someone down the line had been watching you and Tyler's interaction.


"(Y/N) hasn't spoken to me since yesterday because of some stupid lie Heather made up. And now she decides to go back and side with Tyler!?" Alejandro said, mostly mad at the fact that it was Tyler "they kept writing in that notebook, I wonder what they were saying."


The more and more you thought about it, the sillier the whole situation felt.

Why am I even mad at Alejandro again? We're only in an alliance, nothing more nothing less. Heck, it's not even a real alliance either.

You sighed and sunk your back deeper into the wall, trying to come to some sort of conclusion.

And there's no way in hell I actually give a damn about what he says about me.

But then why did it bother you so much in the first place? Now that you think back to the words that Heather had said, it didn't even sound legit. And when you accused him he sounded like he was telling the truth when he said it wasn't him-

tough luck - ALEJANDRO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now