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"How long do you think until we get to the Nile?" Tyler asked most likely tiring out from the heat.

Now that you were far away from the scarabs, it was more of a race now than a run for your lives.

"I don't know, I'd say a few more hours." Alejandro stated not wanting to provide false hope.

You groaned, of course Chris wouldn't have started you guys off close to the river. He had said that it was 'big blue and watery' and that 'you can't miss it' but all you could see when you looked around was sand, sand and even more sand.

"I'm so tired, and it's so hot..." you mumbled, one hand on Alejandro's shoulder the other fanning yourself.

"(Y/N), you're not carrying anyone on your back how are you tired?" Noah asked from down below.

You shrugged, he did have a point. You were doing the least at the moment. Turning around you saw Team Victory trailing behind and slowly disappearing into the distance.

I guess it's better that we weren't holding the goat, I mean if they're that far behind carrying a stick...

You faced forward once again and saw Team Amazon on their camel not too far ahead. Heather turned around and caught sight of your team and spoke up.

"Gonna go win the race now, see ya!" Heather said and then blew a raspberry at us.

"Eat sand!" Courtney added on threateningly.

"Such witty remarks from such fiercely intelligent women! I'm both humbled and intrigued." Alejandro said to them to which you rolled your eyes as he couldn't see you from behind.

"Nice try, but I'm with Duncan." Courtney said closing her eyes and looking away.

"And what a pity it is that you should give yourself to a quitter, he doesn't deserve you." Alejandro added on.

"That's not- Duncan is totally- you're just... will someone hurry this camel up please?!" Courtney stumbled to try and find the right words making you laugh a bit.


"Oh Alejandro definitely knows what he's doing." you said smiling a bit "but seeing him mess around with other people is kinda funny."

"Oh he's good, too good. Seriously what is his deal? He's just so perfect... Ugh!" Heather said.


You tuned out of the conversation going on in front of you and looked around for the Nile. Suddenly your eyes came upon it, or at least a glimpse of it. Honestly it was quite easy to miss.

Well, that was sooner than I thought

You tapped Alejandro's shoulder and whispered in his ear, not wanting the other team to hear.

"The Nile, it's over there!" You said gesturing your head in the direction.

He looked over to where you were suggesting and he too caught sight of the waters.

"Well spotted (Y/N)!" He complimented and you smiled to yourself, not because of what he had said, but because you were proud of doing something.

"Hold on everyone, I'm changing our route!" He said holding tighter onto your legs and then moving his hips. Funnily enough, the goat started heading towards the Nile. The other team were too busy bickering to notice.

tough luck - ALEJANDRO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now