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You woke up to the sound of some rather loud talking, the words were jumbled in your head but as you gradually regained consciousness you were able to slowly get up from your lying position and sit up on the bench.

"Noah... don't go there..." you heard the voice say from the other side of the room.

You rubbed your eyes, trying to get rid of any last sleepiness and also to get a better view of your surroundings. When your eyes fell upon the source of the noise, you merely sighed.

Oh. It's just Owen.

Surely enough, on the opposite side of the room sat Owen and Duncan. Duncan was sat upright with his arms crossed quietly snoozing away while Owen laid on his back, sleep talking.

You noticed next to you was Alejandro and Tyler on the other side of him, Alejandro seemed to have noticed that you had woken up and turned to face you.

"Ah (Y/N), you're awake." he smiled before it was soon replaced with a frown, "Owen didn't wake you up did he?"

You let out a yawn before speaking up, "I mean, sort of-"

"Noah! Don't eat the poison stuff it's poisonou- AH!" he suddenly said finally waking up, screaming and flailing his arms around.

He let out heavy breaths as he tried to regain himself until he caught sight of you, Alejandro and Tyler, all glaring at him.

"Oh, was I talking in my sleep?" he asked sheepishly scratching the back of his head and getting up from the bench, "Haha... I'll just, go away." he said slumping off in the direction of the bathroom with his head hung low.


"I feel like Tyler, Al and (Y/N) are all super close. After they spent all that time stuck on the plane in London, they even voted Noah off. Noah! Oh I miss the tiny pitter patter of his feet," Owen sighed, "And now, I think I might be next!"

With the three of you sat together, the idea of you three being the ones to make it to the final three crossed your mind as you figured it would be a good idea to let Tyler in on the alliance. You spoke up immediately, forgetting about the fact that Alejandro may or may not like the idea.

"Hey Tyler," you leaned forward in your seat to get a better look at him on the other side of Alejandro, "do you wanna-"

You cut yourself short after witnessing his state, he was shuddering with his eyes wide in fear as he looked at the other side of the room. You followed his line of sight and noticed his gaze upon the sleeping Duncan.

"Is something wrong?" you asked, eyebrows furrowed at his frightened expression as Alejandro also picked up on the conversation.

Tyler stopped shuddering momentarily but still looked troubled as he opened his mouth hesitantly, "I... saw something-"

An obnoxious yawn cut him off,you all turned to see Duncan now awake, a lazy smile plastered on his face.

"Oh man, that was a deep sleep," he said stretching his arms, before facing Tyler, "sleep of the dead haha... you know what I mean Tyler? Dead." his last word came out as more of a threat.

Tyler looked terrified once again and looked down, with Duncan around it didn't seem like he was going to be able to say anything. But whatever Tyler knew seemed to be important.

You felt Alejandro nudge your side a little and nudged back slightly as well, it seemed as if he had noticed as well.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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