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The next morning you all had breakfast served in first class, the porridge was slightly better than Chef's usual one but still wasn't amazing. You settled on eating a few chocolate chip cookies and that was enough.

Izzy was seated next to you and you were both getting a massage by the interns as Tyler who sat across from you next to Alejandro were eating their porridge.

"Oh man first class rocks!" Tyler yelled happily with a mouthful of food.

"Today we eat the breakfast of champions." Alejandro said smiling back at him. Tyler gave back an awkward smile, probably seeing Alejandro differently after what you had told him yesterday.

I just hope Alejandro doesn't notice...

"It was about time, honestly we should've done the first and second challenge." you said trying to move the attention away from Tyler's nervous expression and closing your eyes peacefully as the intern rubbed your back.

"Oh yeah, that's the spot." Izzy said sinking into the chair clearly enjoying the massage she was getting.

The sound of snoring filled the room and you all turned towards the couch where Owen was still sleeping. Slowly he turned and fell off revealing a crippled Noah underneath.

 "Finally!" he cried sitting up and cracking some bones in the process "thanks for not noticing I was missing all night, what am I Tyler?" he said. Despite Tyler being your best mate you couldn't help but find this comment funny.

"Hey!" Tyler shouted turning towards his direction and spitting out his porridge in the process. 

The direction being the one that Alejandro just happened to be in causing his face to be covered in Tyler's porridge mush. You found this even funnier and couldn't help to let out a laugh which he noticed.


"Is Alejandro going to get me voted out now that I spat my porridge out at him?" Tyler asked worriedly 


It was funny to see the pissed-off look on his face that he tried covered up quickly but Tyler still noticed.

"Sorry Alejandro..." he mumbled apologetically but before Alejandro could respond you did so for him.

"Oh you don't need to apologise to him, he doesn't deserve it." you said playfully giving Alejandro a sweet smile to which he returned with the same pissed-off expression.

Getting up you went to the first class bar to get yourself a glass of water and to your surprise someone had followed.

"You're not allowed to stay that kind of stuff you know?" he said annoyedly coming up next to you and using a serviette to wipe his face.

"Oh yeah? Why not?" you asked facing to turn him

"Don't tell me you've already forgotten what we discussed yesterday." he said leaning in closer as you leaned back.

"Of course not... but an alliance doesn't stop me from saying what I want." you said because it was true, just cause the two of you were in an alliance didn't you had to be nice to him.

tough luck - ALEJANDRO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now