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Donnie led the way, aware enough to stay silent as you were deep in thought. So much had happened, and it felt like your worldview was cracking. Donnie put up his hood when the two of you reached the bustling streets of New York City, and he grabbed your hand to keep you from falling too far behind. You felt your face heat at such innocent affection—something he unfortunately noticed right away.

"Are you feeling a little hot under the collar, love?" His tone was teasing, but it almost sounded like he was genuinely pleased you were blushing.

"Why do you keep calling me different nicknames?" You avoided the question. His immaculate eyebrows flew up and he struggled to grasp a response for a moment.

"Well I did some research to find a nickname that suited you best, and I couldn't decide. So I'm doing some field research by trying them all on you to see what works best."

"That's...a very you method," you mumbled. He frowned.

"What does that mean?"

"Do you normally research everything like this? Like, did you look up how to get your first friend?"

"She was a special case. I wasn't able to do any prior research."


"April." His eyes widened abruptly. "Oh, you haven't met her!" He pulled his phone out of his pocket and began typing quickly. "I will arrange for her to meet us at the cafe-"

"Um." You could feel the awkwardness already. "Nothing like going on a date with the guy you like and his best girl friend tags along."

"What did you say?" He looked up.

"I'm not really in the mood to meet people right now." You smiled, but it was closer to a grimace.

"Ah, how thoughtless of me!" He deleted the message and put his phone away. "You'll have to meet her a different time." You weren't opposed to it—you wanted to see your competition. Wait, what? You mentally slapped yourself. You had no competition because you weren't interested in Donnie. In dating him. Because your parents wouldn't approve. Right...?

"Just to be clear, you two don't like each other, right?" you asked casually. You felt stupid for even asking. He seemed shocked at the very concept.

"She's family! I would never!"

"Cool." Not that you cared or anything. Donnie was busy looking back at you as he stepped onto the street. "Watch out!" You snatched his hand and yanked him back into you just in time for a taxi to fly by. You felt the adrenaline spike slowly fade as you worriedly looked him over for injuries. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, of course." His cheeks were a little rosier than they were before, and he took a step back so he wasn't pressed completely against you. A laugh came from behind you and you both turned to see another couple standing there.

"You're lucky your girlfriend has ninja-like reflexes," the guy laughed, shaking his head. You smiled as Donnie scoffed.

"I'm the ninja here," he grumbled.

"It's ok! When we first got together, he couldn't take his eyes off me either," the girl added, also laughing lightly. They seemed like wonderful people—the fact that they were embarrassing Donnie was just a bonus. You smirked at Donnie and he made a show of rolling his eyes.

"I could look away if I wanted to."

"But that means you don't want to," you teased, winking at him. His face was not turning any less red anytime soon.

The walk sign lit up and you all walked across the street, parting ways with the couple once you reached the other side. "Why didn't you tell them we weren't dating?" you asked once the couple was out of earshot. For the guy who loved being right, Donnie wasn't quick to denounce that myth. He kept his head turned away so you couldn't see his face.

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