Chapter 1: Baby on a Bridge

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Heimerdingers POV

The yordel walked the bridge filled with destruction, bodies strewn about the debris. His eyes filled with sorrow and grief. Most fires were still alight casting a red glow across the bridge as smoke continued to fill the air. Heimerdinger continued on inspecting the chaos when he heard a small cry. A cry an infant would release whan searching for comfort. He simply believed his mind was playing games with itself until he heard it again.

The profesor walked towards where he heard the noise. It started to become louder and his walk turned int a fast shuffle he finally reached a small pile of debris. He removed rocks until he was face to face with a baby the rocks had somehow fallen around it in a way that created a small cavern, its mothers hand lay gently in the basket but the mother lay under a larger pile of rocks. The child had no one.

Heimerdinger made a choice. He grabbed the basket that carried the infant and the small silver watch that adorned the mothers wrist. It was broken but he could fix it. Heimerdinger walked away from the ash and the rubble, towards the untouched city of piltover with a small child on his arms. This child he would soom find is a girl a girl he named Y/N, seeing as she had no other form of identification.

The girl was brilliant, a fast learner with an aptitude for equations of any kind. She also enjoyed to dance and to play the violin (which Heimerdinger had started her on when she was six as learning an instrument nourishes the mind). Heimerdinger raised her in the public eye, he raised her to be humble and intuitive. She was set on an accelerated learning pace and graduated the academy at 18, with a degree in engineering and mathematics along with a minor in chemistry. At 19 Heimerdinger asked her to become part of the council, he claimed that's what he raised her to be. She had grown up watching her "father" in admiration so when she was asked she accepted excitedly.

The day she was inducted into the council Heimerdinger gave her her mothers watch. Y/N read the name on the back of the watch. Titan. She assumed it was her last name she asked Heimerdinger about it and he told her she was the last of her line. Y/N then made the decision to hyphenate her name. She became Y/N Heimerdinger-Titan. She joined the council while also continuing her education by the time she was 23 she was Dr. Y/N Heimerdinger-Titan, council member, mathematician, and engineer.

A force to be reckoned with and a fresh mind with a new perspective. Heimerdingers decision to save a baby on a bridge saved a brilliant mind.

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