Chapter 2: Magic

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I walked into the exploded building lifting my white dress slightly. A young man was being led away as I walked in. I looked at the destruction before me with a neutral face. Now what in the world were you working with Mr. Talis?

I scanned the room, my eyes falling on a lean young man, he had fluffy and slightly wild brunette hair and held tightly to a cane. He was examining the board of equations in front of him and I could practically hear his mind working from where I stood near the entrance, or had been the entrance.

He turned slightly and the light caught his amber eyes perfectly. At that moment a flash of recognition occurred but I still couldn't place the name with the face quite yet.

"Hello councilwoman Titan, or do you prefer Doctor?" he asked. His strong accent came through, it was a beautiful accent that I had only heard from one person. My fathers apprentice. I had never formally met him but I would occasionally eavesdrop on their meetings. His mind
worked quickly and efficiently. He was extremely smart and hearing his ideas was always very interesting. But on occasion I'd simply sit and listen to his voice not quite processing the information. Of course I'd never tell him any of this. I continued to remain the image of neutrality.

"In this instance I am a councilwoman, but Y/N will suffice" I never quite liked it when people used my titles outside of formal events or meetings.

"Come to asses the chaos" He questioned

"Yes they thought I might be able to make some sense of it all." I walked the room before taking up a spot next to the apprentice.

"I find it unfair that you know my name and I don't know yours"

"Viktor" he kept his eyes trained on the equations in front of us. I studied them as well, they were somewhat coherent, however more context would have helped. The equations were however going in a direction, whether it was the desired direction is beyond me.

"Well Viktor it was a pleasure to sit here with you but now I must go put the man behind these equations on trial." Viktor offered a simple wave, similar to a wave of dismissal.
I shook my head and turned away. Viktor was a bit arrogant but most great minds are but most great minds are brilliant people who have a right to be. He didn't seem to be an exception.

Time skip

I entered the council hall and my eyes immediately found Mel, Mel was like an older sister. She had been another guiding hand. She was the one who helped me pick my "look''. It was similar to hers but she didn't mind, she simply said strong women stick together, having a similar look shows a united front.

I glided my way towards her linking my arms with hers.

"Hello Mel" I greeted smoothly "councilmen Hoskel '' The slimy man was playing with a child's toy and barley regarded my existence. I was used to this by now and unphased.

"Hello Y/N" Mel had a light smile gracing her beautiful features "you look lovely as always.

"As do you" I had started to pull her away discreetly heading towards our chairs. I sat in between my father and Mel which made council meetings much more tolerable. We enjoyed a small discussion about small things. When the lights began to dim we turned to the front of the room.

My eyes immediately fell on the young man I had seen in the wrecked apartment. Viktor was intently watching Jayce Talis that is till Mr. Talis got to the middle of the room, then his eyes met mine. His eyes were so incredibly bright that they shone through the darkness.

My focus was drawn back to the middle of the room, back to the man who was facing trial.

"Jayce Talis you are accused of illegal experimentation and endangering the citizens of piltover. What do you have to say for yourself"

Jayce began his defense, I watched his nervous body language and fidgeting hands. He truly never meant any harm.

Councilwoman Kirammen spoke first in Jayce's defense followed by councilman Hoskel who continued dramatizing the situation, then my father whose rebuttal was in also Jayces defense. I was simply continuing to observe.

"Do you have anything to show for your work besides an explosion" he replied with a no "so your study was meaningless" Mel pressed.

"It was revolutionary," Talis yelled, losing himself for a moment and forgetting to check his temper. Mel hit a nerve for sure.

Everybody began to speak, just a bit more and Jayce Talis would give us the full truth and his intentions. I sat in wait until...

"I was trying to create magic" There it is I sat back in my chair. Magic. I thought of everything it could do, I drowned it all out until his mother spoke. She spoke with a passion only a mother could. A pang of jealousy hit but I quickly pushed it aside.

"I move that Jace be summarily expelled from the academy and returned to the care of his parents, all those in favor" My father raised his hand as it was his verdict, I followed then Kirammen, then Mel, and finally Hoskel. "

You may go home but you may never step foot on academy grounds again" My father stated. I then stood walking out of the Council hall. Magic.

What a wildly intriguing theory.

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