Chapter 4: The Era of Magic

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A/N: I am very aware that the timeline is very incorrect, I understand that but for the sake of the story lets ignore that 😅😅😅


I sat in the destroyed apartment with the two inventors. Viktor was writing viciously on the chalk board while Jayce and I sat a few feet back. Viktor really was a genius, he was so close to figuring out how to stabilize the crystals.

"This entire time, I thought I needed to dampen the oscillations." Jayce said in awe.

"The crystals will only stabilize at high frequency" Viktor explained continuing to write out the equation on the chalk board.
"You have to..."

Jayce struggled to find words for a second "crank it!" Jayce exclaimed.

I couldn't help the grin that found its way onto my face. Jayce Talis was brilliant but at the same time I had never met anyone so clumsy with his words.

In front of the council he was quite smooth but right here and right now he was the opposite.

"Yes, yes you have to..." Viktor paused briefly "crank it" The phrase came out chopy and overly enthusiastic. The nonchalant term was quite obviously foreign to him.

He quite often spoke with elegance, he used a large vocabulary, it was just another nod to his intelligence. But it was quite apparent that he rarely spoke with phrases such as 'crank it'.

"It works" Jayce muttered, his eyes sparkling in wonder.  

"On paper maybe" I voiced

"Well we could test it, if we had access to my equipment" Jayce cast a side long glance at me before focusing on Viktor

"Which is being destroyed tomorrow" I commented resing my elbow on my knee, then resting my chin in my hand. My eyes were running over the chalk board over and over again reading the equation looking for any error.

The smallest if inconsistencies could potentially cause a catastrophy. One that I couldn't talk my way out of, one that would sacrifice my entire standing in piltover, my standing with my father. But when this worked it would be worth it, it could change lives.

"What?!" Jayce exclaimed, his anger rising. Jayce had an obviously short fuse, the smallest things would set him off, but Viktor was calm and collected and so was I.

"Oh I...Yeah, I meant to tell you" Viktor stumbled over his words slightly, a small amount of guilt flashing across his face.

"That research is everything" Jayces breaths became slightly labored "my whole life, maybe if we showed them the equations, they'd let us..." Jayce trailed off.

"We need more than promises" Viktor stared.

"We need proof" I finished the sentence.

"But without the crystals. The enforcers took them all. They're gone" Jayces' shoulder began to sag, he was losing hope.

"Yes, locked away in my fathers lab." I said gesturing to Viktor who pulled out a set of keys. We shared a small smile before turning to Jayce.

"No no you heard the council..." Jayce said gesturing to me slightly, once again reminding me of everything I am putting in jeopardy by being here.

"Then we better be right" I said, my voice was slightly breathy do to my nerves but was still hard enough to convey my message there was no room to be wrong.

"Why why would you risk this?" Jayce asked his head whipping back and forth between me and Viktor.

Viktor replied first "Do you think it was my life's ambition to be an assistant? Scientists seek discoveries. Ways to make the world a better place."

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