Chapter 3: Its Viktor

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Viktors POV

I walked with professor Heimerdinger to his office, the yordel was chittering to himself about this and that but my mind was on something else, magic. I was well aware now the dangers of it but what if it was controlled.

When we finally arrived to his office, a young woman with y/h/c hair stood examining the book shelf. One of her hands reached to grab a book higher on the shelf, it was decorated with gold rings some thin others thicker but each fit without any movement.

I noticed all of her accessories were golden except for a small silver watch which was on her left wrist.

I knew who she was but this was the first time I'd simply gotten to watch her be human. Doing something as mundane as grabbing a book versus sitting stone faced making decisions for Piltovers growth.

"Y/N my dear what brings you here" The professor exclaimed walking over to her. She towered over him in her heals, even if she was rather short. Heimerdinger placed a kiss to her knuckles and gave her hand a squeeze.

"Magic, father, the boy was trying to create magic." There was a breathlessness to her voice that conveyed her wonder. Heimerdinger didn't share this incentive.

"Foolish boy" he said going to the back alcove to confiscate Jayces materials. Beckoning me to follow. Y/N took her eyes off her father for a moment, she looked at me and I saw how beautiful she was up close.

The eye contact lasted for all of five seconds before I disappeared into the alcove as well.

"I must admit his theory intrigues" I voiced my opinion on the matter. I saw Y/N approach the alcove and rest her shoulder against the door frame arms crossed in front of her.

"If dangerous ideas didn't excite the imagination we would never wander astray." Heimerdinger voiced as he began shelving Jayces materials

"Could it work could these stones really cause magic?" I asked continuing to read the book in my hand.

"It is far to unstable" his high pitched voice stressed the words.

"Could you stabilize it" I asked but another voiced joined mine, I met Y/N eyes for half a second before returning to the small yordel.

"Me, why would I stabilize it, that only leads to more problems and that poor boy has enough of them already" I looked and watched as Y/N dropped her head, I wasn't the best with body language, but this I knew she was going to ask something the professor wouldn't like.

"But what if it solved more problems then it created, this is different then when you last experienced it. Its not coming from a single being with all the power, its coming from stones which if somehow were stabilized could save lives" She definitely knew how to deliver an argument, her personal opinions were no where to be found she was simply arguing on be half of what could be a revolutionary idea. "How many revolutionary inventions were at one point scary and impossible before someone decided that fear isn't enough to stop then from changing the world for the better?"

"Y/N I can see your mind working, but magic is different, magic isn't something someone can control" Heimerdinger said with finality. There were to be no more questions. "Tomorrow morning his research will be safely disposed of."

As the professor walked away I swiped the book off the shelf. I hadn't realized that Y/N was still standing in the doorway.

"Be careful, your to smart to be expelled." She said her voice elegant and smooth she then turned and walked away. Walked didnt seem to be the proper word in this instance, she more gilded she lifted a hand giving a small wave. A sibling to a wave of dismissal.

She was smart with her words and actions, and that one must have been purposeful but he hadn't the time at the moment. He had to speak with Jayce Talis.

Time skip

Walking into the destroyed department, I saw Jayce standing at the opening in the far wall. He had lost everything I would want to jump to. But I've wanted to jump many times.

Before he could, I decided to make my presence known "Am I interrupting?"

Jayce stumbled back from the ledge in surprise. "The hells your problem" He asked his hands speaking with him "what's that another list with my name on it"

"Yes but only because you signed your notes, every page I might add" I pointed out having the book open infront of me "a bit egotistical don't you think"

"That's rich coming from you" A smooth voice sounded from behind me, Y/N "all great minds are filled with ideas, and every great mind believes in every single one of their ideas, you all have an ego the size of the council hall"

I rolled mt eyes slightly, she approached and stopped beside me. I tried hard to just ignore her presence but how could you possibly ignore someone who smelled of roses and vanilla.

"Is that why you came to insult me" Jayce replied

"No no I was intrigued by what you said in trial" I took a few steps closer.

"That makes you the only one" he grumbled

"Not the only one" Y/N spoke again.

"Yes well I wanted to talk about your work, this hextech theory of yours" I spoke ignoring both of their comments

"Its not a theory, I saw it with my own eyes what magic can do the lives it could save" he was becoming slightly emotional his eyes glazing over "you have no idea how beautiful it is, and now its gone, no one believed me"

"Nobody's ever believed in me a poor cripple from the undercity, I was an outsider the moment I stepped into piltover, I didn't have the benefits of a patron or a name, I simply believed in myself" I gazed out onto piltover, the beautiful city that never truly excepted me "that's why I'm here because I think your on to something, I want to help you complete your research"

"No one thinks it can be done" Jayce had a somewhat shocked expression, and little faith.

Y/N's voice then came from behind "If your going to change the world don't ask for permission" her voice was strong and carried through the room. I extended my hand giving Jayce his bracelet.

"I dont even know your name"

"Its Viktor"

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