Chapter 5: No matter the cost

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A/N: The outfit above is not the exact type of outfit I was going for but it's more for reference ☺️


Jayce, Viktor, and I stood in the hexgates main operating room, on one of the landings high above where the power of the hexcrystals were being harnessed.

"yesterday's smuggling fiasco is nothing, these manifests are full of discrepancies" Jayce paced the floored looking over the paperwork in his hand

"This is a poor use of our time" Viktor grumbled. He was looking over the edge of the landing his hands gripping the metal railing and his crutch resting beside him, a blue glow illuminating his face.

"I'm a counselor now Viktor," Jayce justified, I narrowed my eyes at him slightly, this has always been his business just now that he has a title he's decided to act up on it "it's my responsibility to watch over the hexgates"

"what about our pledge to improve lives, for those in need for the under city" Viktor glanced over his shoulder at his partner, I watched the two carefully. I knew that when Jayce didn't announce the other projects Vik was upset, anyone would be.

"look I'm sorry for not announcing our other projects" Jayce began to apologize "soon.."

Viktor cut Jayce off promptly "soon, there are people that need our help now"

Marcus walked across the catwalk to Jayce addressing him without his title, Viktor continued to glare at his friend, I could see that something was troubling him. I just wish he'd talk to me.

I walked over placing a hand on his back to offer some form of comfort. I tuned back into the conversation Jayce was having with Marcus "...are you sure you don't want to consult the other councilors" Marcus questioned.

Marcus was right, Jayce should have brought the discrepancies to the other council members, I mean sure I was in the room but he was more talking at me not to me. He wasn't asking for a consultant he was simply ranting about his findings.

Piltover was a city unlike any other, it had it's corruptions but nothing would work if the authority of the council were to be undermined. A country needs to be governed in some way, shape, or form otherwise chaos insues and all could be lost.

I was pulled out of my thoughts and the conversation when Viktor started to cough. he leaned over the railing again and I moved beside him.

"Vik!?" I placed I hand on his back the other on the railing. he continued to cough blood eventually exiting his body. some made it onto my hand but I didn't care at the moment Viktor had.stil yet to take a steady breath.

he stopped coughing his chest heaving lightly before straightening slightly. I turned him towards his face towards me, placing a hand on either side of his face. my eyes widened slightly seeing his nose bleeding as well as some of the blood that was on his lips from coughing.

"let's go back to the lab get you cleaned up yeah." he nodded pulling away from me and wiping some of the blood away from his nose. He looked out over the railing again seeming to become extremely lost his eyes widened and he swayed slightly on his feet.

Jayce came to his other side placing a hand on his back before saying his name urgently and asking about his well-being that seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in.

Viktor turned to Jayce telling him it was simply a headache before telling him he needed to get back to lab. he grabbed his crutch and quickly headed towards the exit.

Jayce and I made brief eye contact, I gave him a slight nod of assurance before going after Viktor.

time skip

We had made it back to the lab, I sat Viktor down and then went to grab a cloth to wipe away the blood. I came back to stand in front of Viktor, I knew my face was showing my concern. Sure I could hold my tongue for the most part but my face was completely out of my control 98% of the time.

I continued to wipe away the blood till it was gone and there was no evidence of what had just happened except for the small spatter of blood on my hand.

I cleaned my hand before, staring at the rag in my hand. I knew Viktor was getting worse I just didn't realize how bad and how fast it was all happening.

Viktor reached out taking the cloth and putting it on his messy desk. He then grabbed the sides of my face the same way I had done in the hexgates.

I brought my forehead to his bringing my hands around his neck. his hands moved down to my waist resting them there. We just stayed that way for a while in silence just enjoying each others presence.

I pulled away slightly looking at his face, his eyes remained closed. His face had become extremely slim and the bags under his eyes had grown and the purple coloring around them was so much darker.

he finally opened his eyes and I got to see his beautiful amber eyes, they were still so full of life and they were still such a vibrant color. He still had his fire and his passion but his body was giving up him even when his brain had so much left to share with the world.

"It's getting bad right?" I asked my voice barley above a whisper. My arms were still around his neck, his hands still at my waist where his left thumb was rubbing small tight circles on my hip.

He didn't say anything he just nodded lightly. I closed my eyes before taking a deep breath this wasn't over we weren't done fighting.

"ok then we better get to work on a way to save you then there has to be something anything we can do, I won't rest until we do ," A new determination had been lit in me and I was going to save him "I promise we're going to save you no matter what it takes"

Viktor looked directly into my eyes a look of admiration on his face, even in this harsh situation it made the butterflies in my come alive.

I had come to terms with the fact that I loved Viktor a while ago. I knew that. But I also knew that Viktor was incredibly dedicated to his work and who was I to get in the way of that.

But I'd still be here. by his side through everything that's going to happen. I'll be here for every doctor's appointment (that he was definitely going to after this, even if I had to drag him there myself), late night's at the lab, every moment of weakness, I'll be right here by his side.

I loved Viktor, I'm in love with Viktor, he's my best friend. He's not dying not if I had any say. He's going to be ok. No matter the cost.

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