Chapter 6: What if...

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A/n: Guess who's backkkk 😁😁😁😁


God what was I thinking, months and months ago my father gave me tickets to a performance, it was my favorite musician and I was so excited to see him. The day after I had recruited Mel to help me pick out an outfit Mel had been telling me for sometime to step out of my comfort zone I figured this would be a perfect opportunity. Now it was the day of and the outfit I had on almost made me faint, It's was a black top and a black flowy skirt made out of sheerish material, I had all of my gold accents on and gloves made out of the same material as the skirt what tied it all up was the gold heels I was wearing. they wrapped around my leg all the way up until just below my knee they were presented nicely by the slit in the skirt which exposed my entire right leg.

The outfit was definitely outside of my comfort zone, so much so I didn't want to leave my apartment in it. I was walking to my room to go change when someone knocked on my door I checked the time and realized not only was it time to go but Mel was ten minutes late to picking me up I quickly grabbed my bag and got to the door I opened it and there stood mell in a beautiful black outfit that did everything for her. she was stunning.

Mel's eyes grew wide as she saw me in my outfit and I grew scared I hadn't let her see me the day we picked it out because I wanted to be a surprise, and one hell of a surprise it was.

'Y/N...I...I don't have the words to express how STUNNING you look right now, my Lord's you are gorgeous now we must go we are already late" and just like that Mel was dragging me out of the door.

time skip

I sat with my father listening to the beautiful music it was a journey all in it's own. My father watched my every reaction of the beautiful performance, he saw that I began to tear up slightly he grabbed my hand and held it for the rest of the performance.

Moments like these were everything to me doing things I loved with people I love. My mind started to drift to Viktor, who was no doubt working in his lab tirelessly. How would this experience has been if he was here to watch it all with me?

My mind began to run through wonderful "What if's" between me and Viktor. The day dreaming coupled with the beautiful music lead to one of the most euphoric experiences I'd ever had.

After the performance I was told that Mel and Jace had taken off together, I smiled a bit knowing that I'd get to tease them both party's profusely however that left me to either ride back to my apartment alone or... go back to the academy with my father and check up on Vik. The second option sounded far more enjoyable so I did that. I stopped at my father's office making Vik and I two cups of hot chocolate and grabbing some sweets from my father's stash before making my way up to our lab, to the unrelenting scientist.

Viktors POV
slightly before the performance

Jace was getting ready to leave for some councilor stuff he was going to some concert, I was staying in the lab despite being invited. I was close with the hex core I knew I was. Jace walked out and I was left alone, I worked for hours my assistant had brought me a cup of coffee maybe an half an hour ago but other then that I hadn't had much else to eat or drink.

Maybe another hour or so went by and I heard a voice behind me. "It's beautiful" the voice was a bit high pitched and belonged to my assistant, sky young.

"yes it is" I replied shortly hoping she'd leave after the curt response.

"You know its getting kind of late and I was if you'd maybe want to walk home...together?" Ms. Young sounded quite unsure of her question and I found it quite strange especially coming from my assistant, but at the end of the day it was somewhat reasonable.

"oh no I'm probably going to sleep here tonight" I replied

She began saying something about tomorrow but at this point I was already fairly focused again, "good night Ms. Young"

I faintly registered the door closing but I was soon engrossed in the Hex Core again. My nose soon filled with he scent of roses and vanilla and my head shot up from the hex core, setting down two cups of some steaming liquid and some sweets was Y/N.

She straightened and looked at me as she was bathed in moonlight that made the gold accents on her skin shimmer and her eyes twinkle. Her outfit made me blush, and if I was going to be honest with myself she turned me on. But more then that she was simply beautiful. My eyes made there way up and down her body taking all of her in she was absolutely breathtaking. My eyes, made their way back up to her face, Y/N's cheeks were dusted slightly pink, she was blushing.

She glanced down at the floor before bringing her eyes to meet mine, "I brought hot chocolate" She finally spoke gesturing to the steaming drinks "Kinda figured you hadn't had much today."

I chuckled lightly before accepting the warm drink we drank in silence for a bit before she spoke again. "The concert was lovely, the music was amazing."

"I bet it was, do you enjoy music?" I inquired

"I do Ive played music since I was young, Ive grown to love it."

"I quite enjoy music too."

she smiled lightly while taking a sip of her drink. We went on to talk for hours, eating all the sweets Y/N brought and finishing our cups of coco. Y/N had fallen asleep at some point during a lull in the conversation, I took the moment to gently brush her hair back from her face and place a small kiss on her forehead before getting back to work. what if this could be the rest of our lives, just me and her talking and existing around one another? My mind was split between the Hex Core and the sleeping girl beside me and then the room began to spin. I could feel liquid begin to fill my logs as the coughing began, relentless heaves trying to get any oxygen back into my body as my vision began to become worse.


I hear her shout but I was already gone. On the cold floor with the taste of copper on my tongue I wondered what if...this was it.

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