A Dying Man

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(It's not edited but it's done 😘)

Viktors POV

Viktor felt like he was floating in water, his ears were clogged and everything was light. He momentarily forgot his situation, the pain was gone, then his feet began to tingle and it ran up his body into his brain and the lights were turned on and he was pulled from drowning. There was a soft "okay" followed by an even softer "thank you". Viktor wanted to open his eyes but they were still to heavy. So instead he felt someone grab his hand and squeeze like they're life depended on it, then he heard soft sobbing.

"Please wake up, I have to tell you, please wake up." Y/N it was Y/N. What did she need to tell him? God please stop crying, he wanted to pull her in but couldn't his body refused to move.

Viktor heard the door burst open and felt Y/N shoot up. "Is he ok? What happened? God I'm such a bad friend, tell me he's alright."

"Jayce" Y/N sobbed and then he no longer felt her presence. He heard soft cries and sniffles assuming that she had run to her friend for comfort. "I don't understand he was fine and then... he just... God jayce it was awful"

"It's ok he's going to be ok he has to be" Jayces voice drifted off, "he has to be" he whispered.

Viktor began to feel himself fall under again, he didn't want to, he wanted to get up and reassure his friends he was ok he wanted to assure Y/N he'd be fine. but the water was strong and soon he was fully submerged again.

time skip

When Viktor finally opened his eyes Y/N's upper body was rested on the bed her head resting on her arms while one of her hands held one of his. He was happy she was here but even as she slept he could tell she was exhausted. So exhausted that when he moved his opposite hand to play gently with her hair she barely moved a muscle. She relaxed slightly but made no moves to wake up.

Jayce saw his friends movement and was quick to get out of his chair. Vik was quick to shush him hoping to keep the girl sleeping a little longer. "How long do I have left." Viktor asked knowing that he was on a steady decline. He was still gently playing with  Y/Ns hair.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jayce was distraught with how unwell Viktor was " Why didn't you tell her" 

"I didn't want her to be distracted, she's to important to to many other people for her to be worried over me." Viktor knew that he was one person of many that Leila had to worry about. He wouldn't take up space as a priority when she so important.

"Viktor she's in love with you, only a blind man wouldn't realize that. She's a wreck knowing that you've been getting worse and she hasn't known. if anyone deserves to know it was her" Jayce wasnt mad at Viktor he was worried for his friend and scared of losing him, of losing them both. Who knew who Y/N would become if Viktor died.

"You truly believe she's in love with me?" If Viktor were to be honest thats when he stopped listening. Here of recent it had become slightly more feasible but hearing his friend say that brought him so much hope and sorrow. If she was in fact in love with him, then she was in love with a dying man. 

"Viktor I know she is, she's not very good at hiding it." Jayce seemed defeated, knowing that how Y/N and Viktor felt and never being able to get them to confess to one another was painful. At one point it had simply been painful, he had a small crush on her but it was nothing compared to what he now felt for Mel. Now he just wanted his friends to be happy for as long as they could be. "Vik if you don't have a lot of time left don't you want to spend it with her, not just as a friend, but with her by her side for as long you can."

This gave Viktor a new perspective, of course he wanted to spend he little time with her. How far he squander his precious seconds with anyone but her. He was waisting their time, and he would no longer.

Jayce could see the wheels turning in his partners head and decided to take things into his own hands. "Live life to the fullest and tell her." Jayce walked up to Leila shacking her awake before quickly exiting the room.

Viktor was left with a very groggy Y/N, who had yet to seem hik awake. He took a deep breath which led to a cough due to his shitty lungs. Y/N's head shot up seeing Viktor awake made her want to cry. In fact she did a little. She threw her arms around him, basically flinging herself onto his hospital bed. "Oh dear Lord Viktor you scared me" she pulled away looking at him properly "actually im still scared, Vik I---"

Viktor cut her off by grabbing her face and bring her down to him. He kissed her like his life depended on it. He kissed her as if she was the only source of oxygen that could cure his corrupted lungs. It took her a few moments to kiss back due to shock but she was quick to melt into the kiss. She carded her fingers through his fluffy hair trying not to put all her weight on him. It was perfect, he was perfect. They were perfect. In that moment she was just a girl and he was just a boy and they simply existed intertwined with one another.

When they finally pulled away he was quick to speak first "I love you and I'm done waisting time, I love you more then any world combined, my soul was made for yours and everything I've ever done in my life has led me to you." Viktor wasn't very good at expressing himself but in this moment he let it all go.

Y/N let her tears flow freely, she was smiling so wide that her face hurt. She let out a small laugh/sob leaning so that her forehead rested against his. "I love you so much, so so much, the day you leave will be the day my life will end, I will keep pushing and breathing for you but I will not live another day. I love you and I will save you"

So there they say a living woman and a dying man, fate was cruel. What it would never account for is the drive of two souls intertwined both attached to brilliant minds.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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