Chapter 7

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Song: Fishin' in the Dark Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. Why? Because the band name is cool. And I was listening to that song while writing the majority of this chapter.

Okay so I'm at my grandparents right now and I have been without wifi for the past week because a giant snow storm wiped out my Internet so I'll post this one right now and maybe another one later.


~~~~~Caden's POV~~~~~

"Hi, Annabeth," Percy said.

"Percy, not the time," Amy muttered lowly.


"Annabeth! Cut them some slack! I'm sure they were just busy!" A voice said out of our view.

"Chiron!" Amy said happily.

"Hello Amy, everyone!" Chiron nodded to us all, "Well, Annabeths question will not go unanswered. What kept you?"

"Erm...we were..." Percy started.

"Busy?" Nico finished.

"Busy?" Chiron quirked an eyebrow. We all nodded.

"Caden? What really happened?" Annabeth asked me. I gestured to everyone around me and nodded.

"You're lying!" Annabeth accused and I vigorously shook my head.

"Well, what was so pressing that you couldn't call?" Chiron asked.

"Settling in," Jake said.

"What the heck is that!" A new voice screamed from behind us. Aaron quickly ran his hand through the mist, effectively cutting off connection.

"What is what?" Aaron covered smoothly.

"You know what I'm talking about! That freaky connection thing! You were talking to people that were in the water!" Hermione yelled.

"Chill out. There was nothing there. We were just talking to each other," Nico said.

"No! I saw something!" Hermione persisted.

"Alright, let's say you did. What was it?" Jake asked.

"You were talking to people in the water. They aren't actually here though," Hermione said. We all exchanged looks and had a silent conversation. In the end, we decided to just tell them what it was.

"Yeah, it's called an Iris Message, or IM for short. It lets you talk to people easy and fast," Andy explained.

"Oh, so like the Floo Network?" Ron asked.

"Sure, Weasley. If that makes you sleep at night," Aaron said and patted him on the shoulder, quite hard.

We all left and were sitting in the common room.

"I'm booooooored!" Amy complained playfully.

"Then get un-boooooored!" Jake said back.


"I don't knooooooooow!"

"SHUT UP!" We all yelled at the same time.

"Let's train!" Nico said. We all eagerly agreed and the wizards asked if they could come watch us.

After showing us to this cool room that would have anything you need in it, the wizards sat on the side to watch.

We hacked dummies and destroyed lots of things as well as archery, hand to hand, sword training, and survival skills.

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