Chapter 8

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Song: Secrets. One Republic. Hehe. Look! A song that actually fits the chapter! :P

Just a fair warning, this is a little umm... Not graphic but...hmmm...disturbing? At the beginning.

~~Caden's POV~~


Everyone's got one. Some just have to stay secret more then others.

But, there comes a time when that secret, the one you tried to bury so far down, locked in a box in the back of your mind, decides to break free.

Maybe it's had enough of staying locked up. Maybe it just can't hold it's tongue anymore and has to break free. After all, everything hates being held captive. I should know.

"When I was little," Nico read, "My step dad used to hit me-" His jaw clenched at this point, "-One day, I took it too far and told him to stop, that he wasn't being a good person and that I would call the cops on him. He said, 'you can't call the cops if you can't talk!' And he did this..." He trailed off where I had stopped typing and they all looked at me.

"Did what?" Ron asked.

I opened my mouth to show them where my step dad had cut out my tongue.

Their faces were horrified, except for Hermione who looked thoughtful and Aaron who had turned away.

"Now you know why she didn't want to tell you guys. She knew you would be horrified," Aaron said quietly.

"Hermione?" Ron asked.

"It would be difficult-" Hermione said.

"Possibility?" Ron again.



"A month, maybe two,"

"Care to share?" Jake asked the two that had a conversation no one could follow.

"Hermione might-" Ron started.

"I do," Hermione interrupted.

"But you said,"

"No, I implied-"

"Oh shut up!" Everyone yelled.

"I don't know how to say it," Hermione said.

"Then just say it! Duh," Drew snapped.

"I know a way for Caden to talk again," Hermione rushed out in one breath so it sounded like, 'IknowawayforCadentotalkagain,'

"Come again?" Andy asked while raising an eyebrow.

"I know a way for Caden to talk again," Hermione repeated, this time enunciating every word. We all looked at her with our jaws dropped.

"Who says we want her to talk? Maybe she doesn't want to or can't!" Drew said snootily.

"Drew?" Aaron asked her.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Thank you for your input, but shut up. You lower the IQ of the whole castle when you talk," Aaron told her bluntly. She looked absolutely stunned when he told her that. Obviously no one ever back talked her.

"Well, maybe I should keep talking. You Hephaestus kids don't have any IQs left to lower!" Drew shot back.

"Says who? The blonde capital B I T C-" Aaron started before he was cut off.

"Hey! Shut up!" Jake interfered.

"Yeah, the last thing we need is for us to start fighting. You know what happened last time," Nico let the sentence trail off.

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