Home (unedited)

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Carmen's pov:

~3:05- the end~

Today is Kayla's ceremony, today I was finally brought out of bed by Amari. I look in the mirror.

I don't know how to do my hair.

I walk out, my hair a mess still. I have black outfit on, it's a dress. I'd normally protest about wearing pants, but I don't care.

I see Kenzie with her hair being done, Amari and the rest of the boys are all in suits Lilly flowers in there pocket. 

"I love your hair curly." Amari says as he watches the lady straightening my hair.

I look better with straight hair.

My hair was longer because Kayla and I where growing the hair out.

"I think it looks great, Carm." Kenzie says, staring at me. I just feel numb. She finishes and we're flown to the cemetery, at the 'Last city'. We get to say one last good bye to Kayla as she was being brought down in the casket.

Kenzie sobbed as tears fell down Jordana face. Amari had tears falling as well, his arm was snacked around my waist. Lee was wiping tears as Eddie looks at the floor with tears falling down his face.

We were sent home after that, in different outfits. I kept my hair the same. I'm planing on just straightening it from now on because I don't know how to do it.


A few days ago we got home, each night after my shower when my hair is wet, I straighten it. It heard that it's not good and some of my hair did have really bad heat damage, but I don't care. I'm also getting split ends and hair breakage.

It's been hard to do missions, school, homework, schoolwork, soccer, ballet, and take care of a baby, while also trying to mourn a family member.

It is a constant fight to get off the floor, Amari has been a great help, he helps me will school work and homework.

Eddie has been taking care of Liam, I'll help every once and a while but Amari and Eddie tell me to go back to sleep or take a break.

I feel lost, especially Reya and Nina. They're here for me but I still feel lonely.  But at the same time it's hard to feel, when everything is numb.

Little things are taken out on me at this place, normally a beating or electric shocks. But that's the closes thing to feeling.

I feel so tired,I want to disappear.

Lee has been working on leveling up, before Kayla would tell him that our levels are just numbers it's the people we are that counts.

But now she's not here and Lee has nothing holding him back. But he's quieter, before he would add to a joke or start a conversation. Now he sits and nods, or says that he's off for the gym. When he does sit and talk with us, he mainly nods his head at Eddie's comments or let's out the slightest chuckle.

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