Chapter 13.4: Bell Branch Troubles - Terrible Plottings

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Azhure: I just got off a cruise ship after college exams (last month was absolutely full), and I can't believe how hard I tried to be dark and edgy in my high school years.


The next day came, and the Court Wizards decided to wait for Darc to return to deal with the assassin. However, that meant until he had returned, the poor bounded man had his skull bashed a few more times when he regained a bit of consciousness throughout the night. At least, that's what Jonathan told them this morning, making Alicia question his sleeping habits.


A murky patch of black then entered the inn room before rising to reveal the dark elf. "You weren't in the office," Darc complained with his arms crossed. Then he looked down. "Is he an assassin?"

"Yes, he is an assassin," Jonathan confirmed.

How many times was that mentioned? Alicia pondered internally.

"Have you checked his gear?" the dark elf continued.

"All of these." Jonathan pointed to the assassin's inventory lying on a tarp at the corner.

"All right then." Darc went over the tarp and inspected it. Once done, he went to the unconscious assassin, crouched down, and...


Alicia can't blame Voice for being grossed out at the Dark Guardian sticking his finger into the assassin's mouth. "What are you doing?" she has to ask.

Darc, instead of answering, responded by pulling his hand off the assassin's mouth and showing it to the others. Held between his fingers was a small glass vial that could fit inside a person's jaw filled with a sick-looking liquid.

"Huh, poison," William couldn't help but mutter.

"Like the one used to commit suicide to avoid torture!?" Alicia exclaimed.

"He has that?" Owen looked at the Dark Guardian.

"As Alicia said, it is important for anyone who lurks in the shadows to be able to spare themselves of torture. You just need to look where it is," Darc shrugged, tossing the vial to the softer part of the tarp before wiping his fingers. "Now then..."

"H-Huh? Wha?" the assassin groaned as having his mouth rummaged woke him up. After repeated head bashes, he pretty much sported a huge lump on his head.

"You're awake," Darc bluntly said, looking down at him.

"Damn!" the assassin quickly realized his situation and quickly tried to ingest the poison, only to find it missing. "W-Where is it!?" the assassin panicked as his tongue tried to find the poison formerly tucked in his teeth.

"It's over there," Darc impassively pointed his finger to the tarp, where the assassin quickly spotted the vial among his gear.

"How did you know that?" the assassin uttered in disbelief before taking a good look at his captor being tied up as he was. "Huh, never thought I'd see a dark elf being a fellow assassin. Figured I'd get captured by one."

"He's the one who caught you," the dark elf, with his arms crossed, nudged his face towards Jonathan.

The assassin looked at Jonathan for a second for the pieces to fall into place. "The war hero..." was all he muttered.

"Looks like you know a lot," Darc said to the assassin, who tensed up when he said it. "And you know what happens next."

"Tch!" the assassin clicked his tongue. "Just because I'm not loyal to my employer doesn't mean I'll give you the satisfaction!"

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