Chapter 13.7: Bell Branch Troubles - Confronting the Noble

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Azhure: Alright, last one before the interlude after this. I'm in my last year of college and it's already stressful.

Voice: Enjoy!


"Why has the princess not brought to me!? What are those fools doing!?" a slightly overweight noble yelled at one of his lowly subordinates.

News of the princess' safe return to the capital had reached his ear and he was not happy. She was supposed to have been abducted and sent into his domain he could not even rule. Once the wench was in his waiting arms, he will rally his army and storm the capital, overthrowing the damned new king and marrying the princess to secure his power. Once that happens, he will undo all the corruption the new king had caused and return the kingdom to its former glory.

"S-Sir!" the subordinate squeaked. "Our spy reported he saw less than half of them were captured and handed over to the guards at the capital!"

"What!? They were defeated!?" the noble fumed, his nostrils flaring at the whimpering subordinate. "He said their numbers were enough to destroy the princess' puny knights! How could they have lost!?"

"Our spy also saw a carriage from Bell Conglomerate with the princess, sir!" the subordinate continued, trembling. "They brought the wagons to transport our captured comrades, sir!"

That report made Doug's eyes widen. "Why would a lowly merchant company help them!?"

"I'm not done reporting, sir!" And with whatever bravery he had left under the angry noble, the subordinate let out a "the hero Jonathan was with them!"

And then, there was silence. With the noble simply standing there with an oddly serene expression, it had only made the subordinate even more nervous for what was to come. As Doug looked like he was going to unleash his next outburst, the subordinate braced himself.

"Get out of my sight," Doug calmly stated, breaking the tension the subordinate had. "I wish to be left alone."

"Y-Yes, sir!" And the subordinate fled.

With that, the room was left empty but a single noble, silent in a moment of thought.



And then he started to wreck the place.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"You are the villain here," was her nonchalant response.

"W-What! You dare mock me!?" the noble fumed. He would've tried to assault the heiress but Jonathan standing behind her menacingly made him think twice about it.


"You bastard! You and the foolish king!" Doug cursed to no one as he slammed the desk, causing the ripped documents to fly around. "Everything wrong ever since you gave that bastard son Albert his grubby hands on the throne! Have you no shame!? Your king had upended centuries of values and tradition! He spat on all of our ancestors' contributions and service to the kingdom! How could you stand for such oppression!? Does family mean nothing to you!? Your bloodthirsty king even murdered my father and even his brothers as if the civil war you made a mockery of was not enough!"

"Even now you still stand in my way, you scourge!" he growled as he balled his fists, pressing the desk. He was often told he tended to rant to himself like a lunatic in times of anger, but even his father did it had stitched the mouth of the low-born who said that as he deserved. "He was not supposed to even be in the war! He could if he set aside his backward ideals to keep his hide safe like the other cowards. But who would support a prince so tyrannical as to let commoners lord over him like barbarians!? But no, your foolish master did anyway!"

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