(Final) Chapter 21.2: The Choice - Advice

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Azhure: Yesterday, as of this chapter's upload, I added 'critical fixes' to the previous chapter which clarifies Alicia's problem being a passive listener.



"Excuse me," Ronald, Alicia's father, said as he entered his daughter's room. Even though he can just stand in front of the door it's still common courtesy to knock the door.

Turning around. "Ah, you are here too, mother," Alicia raised her eyebrows as she saw Irene, her mother, right behind her father, her face looked like it had shed tears hours ago like her daughter.

"I have heard from Owen of what had happened at your mission, dear. I am worried," her mother said as she sat on Alicia's bed to embrace her daughter to which she accepted. "You did not want to talk about it."

True, when she got back home, she almost said nothing for the whole night - the part of Kaomagi Earth Alicia lived in was a few hours ahead of where the Otherworldly Court was in Manegia -, and just retreated into her room without dinner. By what her mother said, Owen filled them in her stead.

Ronald pulled the chair from her study and sat on it. He tightened his lips preparing to say something.

But Alicia decided to speak first, "Is this why you do not want me to be a Court Wizard, father?"

Ronald looked silently, expecting that to come out of his daughter. "Yes," he nodded, "...truth be told, my experience was worse than yours."

Alicia could imagine it. But it would prudent to keep the flow of the conversation. "How so?"

Ronald went silent, thinking of how he should respond. Then, he continued, "Do you know where your middle name comes from?"

"My middle name?"

While she has always introduced herself as Alicia Bell, that wasn't her full name. Her full name was actually Alicia Emilia Bell and the reason she never divulged her middle name was because her father told to just give her first and last name.

While she still needs to tell it for her student card and any of the sort for obvious reasons, any people she met should never know it.

And she didn't know exactly why her father told her to do so until she entered the Otherworldly Court that is. Apparently, Court Wizards don't give out their middle name, or anything between their first and last name.


"I have been wondering, Aqua. Why does my ID not include my middle name?" Alicia asked, showing the part of her red metal sheet of interest. "You did ask for my full name for my ID."

"Your full name is for the records," Aqua explained, opening the file in the computer titled 'Detailed Court Wizard Profile.' "But to keep your sheet smaller, only your first and last name will be engraved into it. Though Cherished Armaments still have their complete title on the sheet, so if it is very long, that will defeat the purpose of the former."

Looking at the screen, Alicia saw one profile that Aqua opened. The full name of this Court Wizard was 'Rosalie 'Rose' Elena Bloodlight'.

"So that is Rose's middle name?" Alicia remarked. And it even included her nickname.

"Hmm!? I sense a cosmic sized joke no one but 'those people' will understand!"

"Huh?" Alicia looked at the pixie. "What are you talking about, Voice?"

"Bu~t," Aqua interrupted. "There are exceptions." She brandished her ID, it was longer than Alicia's. "For example, I, as the Fire Guardian, insisted that my complete name shall be engraved into my ID," and the complete name was 'First Greater Water Spirit Aquarius of Spiri Raia.' "But of course, I still insist on you addressing me as Aqua."

Wizards of the Otherworldly Court: Alicia Part 2Where stories live. Discover now