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3rd pov

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3rd pov

"oh my god luna stop moving!." lila exclaimed to the mexican girl as she was doing her hair.

"i can't help it lila your pulling my hair to much!" luna whined a bit as she crosses her arms and sits in the chair with a pout.

"i don't even get why we're going to this party i don't even like party's, like me and travis like to stay in, not go out and socialize." luna complained as lila continued curling the girls hair and styling it.

"well, we were invited so we'll show up for a bit, mingle, then leave after an hour, you'll be fine we'll stick together girl okay." lila told the younger girl as she continued to do her hair, luna let out a huff before letting lila continue to do her hair. A couple days ago luna, travis, and lila got invited to go to this celebrity get together or party whatever you wanna call it. They were told it was gonna be a small get together with some celebrities; models, singers, actors, just a whole bunch of famous people. Anyways lila excepted the offer and told the step siblings about it, they weren't open to it at first but slowly agreed know there would be free food. Though luna didn't really wanna go and was realizing she was gonna have to socialize with people but she had to do it for her best friend.

Lila finished lunas hair as travis walked into the room.

"yo so how long we gonna have to be at this party for?" travis asked as he leaned in the doorway. Lila let out a frustrated sigh, she was waiting for that question, the step siblings were basically the same.

"As i was saying to luna, we'll be there for an hour and just mingle, enjoy it a bit trav there's gonna be food and alcohol." travis perked up at the word alcohol, and so did luna a bit, now that lila said that they didn't feel so bad about going.

"okay now i'm fine with going." luna said as she applied lip gloss on her lips while looking at herself in the vanity. Travis pointed at her nodding.

"i second that." lila laughed and shook her head, she knew just what to say to make them go. The trio made sure they had everything they needed before going to travis 2006 black Audi. Lila and travis in the front while luna was in the back.

"i swear you guys always throw me in the back." luna said as she rolled her eyes dramatically. That caused the older pair to laugh. Travis drove to the party with help from lila for the directions, they had fun singing in the car discussing random topics until they got to the party. There were cars parked everywhere so they parked a little bit away from where the party was being held. You'd think this were just a normal get together, but from the looks of it outside it looked like every teenage house rager. Luna took a deep breathe in and out before stepping out of the car and walking ahead of travis and lila.

"you know she used to love party's, that stupid guy fucked with her head though after he left." travis muttered to lila as they walked a little distance away from luna. Lila sighed nodding, knowing he was right, luna was different when she was with him, but he completely shattered her when he left.

"just try and stay with her a bit you know? she feels uncomfortable a bit at party's now since they used to be her and his things." travis asked lunas best friend, she nodded again, she'd always be there for her best friend, just like how she was when he left her.

"well we're here now." luna said as she turned towards her best friend and step brother. They nodded, luna let out a sigh before opening the door and walking right in.

'i hope this goes well...'

700 words(i know I KNOW, i use party's a lot but like girl

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700 words
(i know I KNOW, i use party's a lot but like girl.. WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO DO LMAO, anyways first chapter, jus know updates for this story are gonna be kinda slow due to the fact i have two other story's in the works 🕺🏽, ANYWAYS HOPE YALL LIKED IT, jus know i love seeing ur guys comments they make my day, i love y'all have a good day/ night !)

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