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3rd pov

As soon as they got home luna locked herself in her room, travis and lila were worried for her but understood where she was coming from, she saw her love that left her of so long ago right in front of her eyes, basically ten feet away from her. Lila and travis sat on the couch in silence before travis spoke up.

"man if i saw him, he would've heard it from me for real." travis said sorta spaced out, lila sighed and shook her head, she knew he was basically drunk and high so he was talking out of his ass, but he also wasn't wrong, if lila saw him he would've heard it from her too. He hurt her best friend so she was upset at him.

"but man you know i miss tom, that was like my best friend right there and to have him just disappear outta nowhere like poof, it hurt you know." travis explained how he was feeling with his hand, he then leaned his elbows on his thighs and put his head in his hands and sighed. Lila rubbed his back in a comforting way as he sighed. None of them could believe bill and georg were at that party, for all they knew tom and gustav could've been there also.

Luna signed frustrated in her bed, she had gotten ready for bed and was currently laying down trying to sleep so she didn't have to think about what just happened and because it was also late.

"ugh! out of all places and all time i had to see him at that stupid party, i knew i shouldn't have gone i knew it!" luna said to herself dramatically flaring her arms up then starting up at the ceiling. She didn't know if it was the alcohol in her system or her actual feelings but she wanted to cry honestly, but at the same time she was telling herself no, to not waste her tears on the boy that loved her, the more that she tried not to cry then more she thought about her memories with him which made it even worse. She sighed turning towards her bedside lamp and turning it off then laying on her side slowly going to sleep.

"hey luna."

"yes billy?"

"can we get married when we get older." bill asked luna with pink cheeks as he looked down at the floor, luna looked at him with wide eyes then asked

"like husband and wife, that have a kid together?" she asked, bill nodded his head still looked down, too shy to see how luna would react, but luna smiled big and went to hug bill, bill was shocked a bit but smiled and hugged her back as well, melting into the hug.

"of course i'd marry you bill! id even get married right now if we could!" luna exclaimed to bill.

"well i promise to marry you when we get older and we can have a big house and a pit bull named pumba!" bill said excitedly to luna as he held her hands. She nodded excitedly as well.

"yeah i'd like that bill." luna said as she laid her head on his shoulder and looked at the sun setting in the park they were hanging out in. Bill laid his head on her head sigh then grabbing her hand to hold it.

"i'd like that too lu."

'oh shit it was just a dream.' luna said to herself as she slowly woke up and looked at the time, it was late afternoon, and luna didn't have anything to do that day, so she stayed in bed for a while thinking about the dream she had, or well more like flashback honestly. That was when bill promised they would get married when they were older, she wondered if that little caring boy she loved was still out there. She sighed then got up, stretching real quick before going to her kitchen to see if there was anything interesting.

"yo wake up." she yelled at travis throwing a pillow from the couch closes to her.

"what bruh, am tryna sleep ." travis said as he cuddled with the pillow luna had thrown at him, she scoffed and rolled her eyes at her brother.

Luna walked to lila's room knocking on the door, she waited and got no answer, so she opened the door to see lila passed out as well.

"ugh everyone's asleep still, it already 3pm." luna said as she rubbed the space between her eyes. She decided she was just gonna go out and get something by herself and if her best friend and brother had a problem with it she could care less cause they didn't wake up.

She grabbed her purse and her car keys then opened her car getting in and turning up her music. Driving to wherever felt good to eat.

890 words(i love doing the little flashback things tbh, i hope y'all enjoyed, if you get the time to look at my latest announcement because it am important topic! but i don't know if i'll update again today, maybe? but love y'all hope y'all enjoye...

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890 words
(i love doing the little flashback things tbh, i hope y'all enjoyed, if you get the time to look at my latest announcement because it am important topic! but i don't know if i'll update again today, maybe? but love y'all hope y'all enjoyed again, stay hydrated and heal thing my loves !)

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