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3rd pov

"Gustav? oh my gosh is that you?" luna questioned as she stood up from her seat, he nodded, luna walked over to the drummer boy and brought him into a hug. Other than bill, gustav had to be lunas favorite, they were best friends and she missed gustav honestly.

"wow luna, it's been a while, how have you been ?" gustav asked as he detached himself from the girl.

"i been good you know, here sit with me." luna said as she gestured towards the empty seat in front of her. Gustav nodded and sat down.

"here you go mija- oh who is this?" emma asked with a teasing smile towards luna, luna rolled her eyes playfully at the women.

"tia, this is gustav, gustav, this is emma, she owns this cafe here." luna said smiling a bit, gustav nodded.

"it's nice to meet you gustav, let me know if you need anything." emma said smiling at the german boy then walking away because another costumer came in.

"soo uhh, how's it been gustav? it's been a while since you know" luna said as she looked down at her hand, playing with them a bit.

"oh it's been good-ish we really miss you, he missed you, like a lot, just know that him leaving, us leaving, wasn't out fault, it's a lot to explain but, trust me he loves you to much to have left you like that without a reason." gustav told the girl, he tried to reach out to her hands but she pulled them back and placed them in her lap.

"just, is it okay if we don't talk about him, I- some shit happened last night and like i just don't wanna think or talk about him at all." luna explained, her voice cracking a bit, gustav nodded, understanding her pain, what he did really fucked luna up, changed her completely, gustav could see a difference in the girl, she wasn't the happy girl she used to be, bill had been the love of her life for 7 years then he left, she never lost feelings, that was what luna hated, that she could never hate him no matter what.

"well it was nice seeing you gustav , take care though." luna said smiling as her and gustav stood outside.

"don't worry lu, i won't tell him about this also." gustav said smiling at her reassuringly, she nodded smiling gratefully.

"bye tav." luna said as she waved then started to walk back to her car, she was honestly happy seeing gustav, they were real close. Gustav sighed as he saw luna walk away, he looked down at the floor kicking a rock that was on the floor. He felt his phone go off, he already knew who it was blowing up his phone.

Bill: gustav where did you go?

Bill: hello? why'd you run off like that.

Bill: are you okay gustav ?

Bill: gustav answer me we're all worried.

Gustav sighed and placed his phone back in his pocket, he looked up at the blue sky and shook his head, disappointed with his best friend.

'why would you do that man.'

"Yo where'd you go sis?" travis asked as luna closed the door to their house.

"oh i went to the cafe." luna said with a bit of a smile, travis furrowed his brows seeing his sister was in a good mood.

"ohh, was there, you know anybody there ?" travis asked shrugging then crossing his arms, luna raised a brow at him.

"what are you getting at right now travis?" luna said as she leaned on the counter.

"oh nothing you just seem happy." travis said shrugging his shoulders, luna smiled softly at her step brother, she was glad she had him and he could just tell how she was feeling.

"oh i saw an old friend at the cafe that i missed, and no it was not bill travis." luna told her brother, he nodded his head.

"ahhhh, but did you bring me back anything." travis said smiling slyly at luna, she rolled her eyes.

"yes i did your lucky i did, my friend convinced me to bring you some i was just gonna leave you and lila cause your lazy assed wouldn't wake up." luna said laughed, travis laughed as well. Luna sat herself down on the island in the kitchen while travis leaned on the island eating his food.

"sooo tomorrow i gotta go to the studio, they want me to meet up with this other songwriter or something, i don't know i don't really care." travis said rolling his eyes.

"you want me to go with you?" luna asked. travis shook his head.

"nahh they just want me to meet him and talk, i don't know why i'm already a great song writer and so are you." travis said shrugging then picking up his phone, looking at missed messages.

"alright, we'll call me if anything you know me and lila are just gonna be here doing whatever." luna said as she got off the counter stretching.

"okay i will sis." travis said as he gave luna a quick side hug and a kiss on her forehead.

'who is this guys trav is meeting with...'

900 words(HEY YALL, it's been like a second, i been hella busy, but i'm slowly coming back, i'm not gunna be giving y'all updates everyday because i was stressing myself out a lot, but i'll give y'all more than one update a week trust, but thank y...

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900 words
(HEY YALL, it's been like a second, i been hella busy, but i'm slowly coming back, i'm not gunna be giving y'all updates everyday because i was stressing myself out a lot, but i'll give y'all more than one update a week trust, but thank y'all for waiting fr. So i jus wanted to say that luna and travis relationship is like billie eilish and finease relationship so like luna is considered a solo artist but not really, it's just like billie and finease. BUT I HOPE YALL ENJOYED STAY HYDRATED AND HEALTHY BABES.)
(also please join discord server it's on my msg board.)

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