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3rd pov

"Nah what the fuck are you doing here man."

"Oh shit, travis." tom said with a shocked face, then started to softly smile.

"i missed you ma-"

"nah nah nah, don't start with that shit dude, you left us with no explanation you think ima welcome you back in with a hug and everything ?" travis angrily said to the german boy, his voice raising slightly.

"look man i don't expect you too, but i really did miss you." tom said sincerely, travis crossed his arm and clicked his tongue.

"i'll give you five minutes, in the other room though." travis said while glaring at the dread head, travis could see tom make a relieved face. Travis then started walking out of the room without a word then heard toms hurried footsteps as soon as he left the room right behind him. Travis had led them to a sort of empty office room.

"speak" travis said as they entered the room and he leaned on a wall opposite of tom with his arms crossed. Tom let out a huge breath before explaining to travis.

"well you see before i explain this to you, you just have to know we didn't have a choice." tom said while looking down at his shoes and messing with the end of his shirt. That caused travis to raise a brow because of the way tom was acting, he had known tom for a long time and for him to be acting the way he was, was out of character for tom. Travis nodded his head then tom continued.

"So basically what happened was, me and bill were eating dinner with our mom and our step dad told us we would have to move, and it wasn't their choice but the labels." tom said as he stood across from travis with his hand in his pockets and looking at travis. Travis stood still with his arms still across his chest and nodded once more signaling tom to continue speaking.

"and well, our mom told bill that he shouldn't tell luna about our moving, or tell you and bill got really upset and didn't want to, neither of us wanted to leave but we had to, and bill didn't tell luna and i didn't tell you cause our mom said it was better to save you guys from the heart break." tom finished explains as he looked down, travis tried to get a look at his face but his hat was covering his eyes. Travis sighed and pushed him self off the walls and stood right in front of tom looking him in the eyes.

"Look man i don't blame you but at the same time i do, we used to be best friends tom, see i can deal with the heart ache but luna, your brother broke her fucking heart, she wasn't the same anymore." travis said to tom while glaring right at him, tom had to admit, he was a little scared, he's seen the looks and the way travis has treated people after they did some shit to him, so tom was just a bit intimidated.

"I know that, bill was also, who do you think had to be there for him when he cried for months, for a while everytime we performed monsun, he refused to because he wrote that song for luna. We missed you guys just as much as you missed us, we didn't mean to leave with out a word but our mom said it would be best." tom said looking travis in the eyes, travis had no emotion on his face but he could see how truly tom had felt about what happened. Travis shoved his hands in his pockets and took a step back, throwing his head back and chuckling.

"you fucked up man." travis said while chuckling.

"yeah i really did." tom said rubbing the back of his neck and nervously chuckling also.

"c'mere man." travis said holding his hand out, dabbing up tom, they did one of those half hugs and then travis playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"do some shit like that and i'm gonna knock your fuckin' head off." travis said as he threw his arm around toms shoulder and opened the door.

"yeah, yeah, whatever man." tom said shaking his head and grinning.

"but for real tom, your lucky i believe in second chances, i don't know about luna though." travis said with an unsure face, tom nodded, understanding what travis was meaning.

"yeah, i hope tho..."

800 words(HERE YALL GO, oh good god im so tired, but yeah

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800 words
(HERE YALL GO, oh good god im so tired, but yeah.. PLOT TWIST LMAO, idk im so tired, hope y'all enjoyed, stay hydrated and healthy love y'all.)

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