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3rd pov

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3rd pov

As soon as the trio enters the house they smell the alcohol and sweaty people, this was no get together this was a full on rager.

The trio make a b-line for the alcohol table.

"yo ima go look for a girl or something, call me when y'all wanna leave." travis says he grabs a red solo cub and pours vodka and lemonade in it, then walks away from the pair. Luna and lila nod their heads and get back to making their drinks as they see travis walk away.

"you like him don't you." luna said as she glanced at lila real quick then went back to what she was doing.

"no i don't." lila scoffed rolling her eyes then taking a drink out of her red solo cup, quickly making a face at the taste, then shaking her head a bit.

"nu uh uh, i know you, how many years have we been friends, i know when you have a crush and you missy have been lovin travis every since you laid eyes on him for real." luna said to lila, lilas eyes widened as luna basically exposed her.

"ugh okay! fine your right, your right, i do still like him, i tried to not like him cause you know he's a bit of a play boy but i can't help it." lila was right, he was a bit of a playboy, when they were kids travis had his first kiss first, it was when he was 8, luna even saw it happen.

"yeah i know boo, but give him some time maybe i'll even talk to him ? i won't mention you or anything of course you know." luna explained, lila nodded, they stood there in silence for a bit then they heard a song start to play. It was deja vu by beyoncé. Both girls gave each other a look before rushing themselves all the way over to the dance floor to start dancing with everyone else.

As they might went on the trip stayed longer than an hour and had their fun, they were all sitting on a couch in the corner giving them view of the whole house. (the dance floor, the kitchen and stair case.) travis was buzzed but still functioning, lila was still sober she only had one drink, and luna was somewhat buzzed.

"heyyy, ima go get another drink li." luna spoke to lila.

"okay i'll go meet with you right now." luna nodded and waved to travis who was spaced out due to the fact that he was also kinda high.

As y/n walked to the drink station she looked through the different alcohols and went to grab the patron, as she grabbed the bottle, another hand grabbed it as well.

"oh shit my bad." the voice who the hand belong to said, luna looked up and saw someone awfully familiar.

"nahh it's okay."

"you go ahead, ladys first." the familiar guy said.

"thanks." luna said as she poured it into her red solo cup.

"hey you look familiar." the guy said as he grabbed the bottle from luna, his words were a bit slurred, luna could tell he was a bit more than buzzed.

"you too honestly." luna said furrowing her brows, they both looked at each other trying to figure one another out.

"well ima go now, nice seeing you familiar stranger." luna said as she began to walk off, she heard him yell a bye. She then heard an awfully familiar face yell at the familiar stranger she was just talking to.

"georg what are you doing! your already drunk enough."


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630 words

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄   ☾   𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐤𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳 Where stories live. Discover now