dream - eren ♡

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When you're feelin' blue


That's the thing to do

Just watch the smoke rings rise in the air

You'll find your share of memories there

So dream

When the day is through


And they might come true

Things never are as bad as they seem

So dream, dream, dream


It was divine, the serene feeling of laying in an open field of flowers,
The sun shone brightly spreading warmth before it was blocked by greyish blouds threatening to rain.

Eren sighed getting up, his peaceful moment alone was ruined by the rain that threatened to pour at any moment.

Looking around at the unfamiliar yet comfortable serene place he looked for a place to remain while it rained, he couldn't find nowhere near, he felt lost, the land was beautiful unlike any other he's ever seen or even thought of.

Eren was startled out of his thoughts when the rain finally began pouring, cold water drops felt not so good like the warmth of sun rays he felt just moments earlier.

Eren began walking looking for a place to shield himself from rain when he was stopped by a young looking girl, she gestured him to get inside her umbrella and he did.

The whole walk was silent but comfortable silence, eren couldn't careless about where she was leading him, his eyes were stuck on her crystalline appearance.

Soft yet striking features, a beauty he's never seen before, so fascinating and pure, he was snapped out of his thoughts when he was next to a small cabin like home with her.

Getting inside the place was the pure definition of cozy and warmth, he looked back at the young girl who now went into a room to get him spare clothes to change into.

He did as she was gesturing him to but he couldn't speak anything, he was so lost in his thoughts and the place he was at currently, the girl making his breath gone with each glance she passed to him.

Her eyes speaking for her, he sat beside her on the comfortable couch there was, she again walked away making eren frown he could no longer stare at her pretty face.

Soon she brought him a hot cup of tea, caring for him as if he was her guest or she knew him somehow.

Eren sipped the warm liquid and sighed feeling the once cold aura around him vanish into nice warmth, the girl smiled seeing him content with his surroundings, her smile made eren forget about the tea in his hands and he kept staring at her.

He felt his heart skipping several beats as his eyes couldn't waver off of her mesmerizing face.

Suddenly a loud thud was heard from behind him and his vision went to black, waking up on his bed eren breathed heavily, he looked around to find he was dreaming.

Eren sighed disappointed he could no longer continue his dream, he wished to live with that girl, to have a nice family with her, live in that serene place with her, protect her.

But she was just in his dream.



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