child - platonic 2 ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

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The week went by very fast, the child layed comfortably in hange's lap as she took a nap, the squad was sitting around talking lowly or reading books like armin.

It was the day erwin was to return back, Levi came to inform that erwin will be back til night, y/n felt excited to see her father back while the squad felt sad because they no longer will be able to spend their days with y/n.

Eren decided to tell y/n a story and she listened curiously it was until Jean interrupted saying that his story sounded boring and pointless, eren and Jean began arguing and didn't notice.

Didn't get to notice that sasha took the child away, the hungry girl dragged the child with her towards the pantry, inside the pantry she and the child began devouring everything they found edible.

Though the child wasn't necessarily hungry like the girl but she still ate because it looked delicious, it wasn't soon until they were caught, the hungry girl said that the child said she was hungry so sasha brought her to the pantry.

Levi sighed and told sasha he didn't believe in that and took y/n in his arms, he asked sasha to clean the cafeteria twice and never to use the child again for her own hunger.

The child was then brought to Levi's office by Levi, he placed the child on a separate couch in his office, he gently placed a pillow under child's head and gave her a small blanket.

Levi then asked the child to sleep as he walked over to his desk and began doing his usual paperwork, the child closed her eyes to sleep but couldn't sleep for almost half an hour so she got up.

Levi hadn't noticed the child getting up, the child walked over to Levi's desk and began climbing on Levi's lap who was startled for a moment but helped the child climb on his lap.

The child hugged Levi as Levi began continuing his work, within a few moments the child fell asleep, Levi smiled seeing the child sleep peacefully a very rare thing coming from Levi.

Hange at the same moment walked in and almost yelled about how levi was smiling until shushed the titan lover and walking further hange finally got the view of the sleeping child on Levi's lap.

Hange smirked again teasing about how he could be a perfect father one day, levi only tched at hange's words and drifted his focus back to his work.

After the long nap the child woke up, not sleepy at all now that she took two naps within a day, the child was currently in armin's arms as he rotated his body round and round making the child in his arms giggle and laugh at the feeling.

After a long playing session with the squad the day was soon reaching it's dark hours, y/n was in erwin's room with Levi and his squad waiting for the man himself.

Erwin soon entered the room looking tired but his tiredness was soon washed away as soon as his eyes landed on his loving daughter, the child rushed to her father and Erwin picked her up hugged the girl who clearly missed him.

Erwin then thanked Levi and his squad who seemed to ask him when he was to go away again so they could spend their time with his daughter who now seemed to be their buddy.

Erwin smiled saying he'll bring her often to the corps whenever they're not busy with missions as the squad and Levi both seemed pleased.


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