child - platonic ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

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It wasn't everyday that there was a child seen running around the survey corps headquarters, the little girl who was barely 6 ran around the place looking at different rooms and crossing various hallways.

She wasn't lost or curious about the place instead she was on a search for a specific someone, her eyes lit up when she spotted the tall lady standing not so far and talking with more people.

The girl ran straight into the lady and hugged the lady's leg tightly, looking down hange's eyes lit up to see her mini scientist there already, hange picked the girl up and twirled and began her rant about new things she discovered to the child.

Though the child understand anything she nodded and enthusiastically listened as if she understood everything, soon came the voice of captain levi approaching the two titan lovers.

Levi asked y/n to return to her father that he had something to tell her, levi took the child from hange's arms and began walking back to erwin's office. Inside the office stood Levi's squad and erwin the father of the child himself.

Erwin was to ask a favour from levi and his squad, erwin had to go somewhere for a couple of days due to survey corps work and so he needed someone to look after his dear child who was alike him very into survey corps and titans since a very young age.

Levi agreed to his commander's and friend's request and took it upon himself and his squad to look after the child who was sad hearing her father won't be there for almost a week.

As soon as erwin left the squad went crazy over the little child, they all wanted to play with the child and wanted the child's attention like they too themselves were little kids.

Levi sighed knowing well his squad can look after the child while he goes to do his paperwork for a few hours.
Hange kept dropping by to interact with the child too.

The squad took the child to their cafeteria to have lunch and Levi soon came too, this was the first time Levi sat beside his squad during lunch time and he had the child in his grasp.

Levi slowly ate himself and carefully fed the child in small intervals. A child cannot eat at the speed of an adult nor the quantity so Levi took it upon himself to feed the child.

Soon as the lunch was done Jean picked the child up asking her if she wished to ride a horse at which connie made the remark if Jean meant himself, Jean then yelled at connie that it was not funny and took the child outside to the stables.

The girl sat on the horse in front of Mikasa who was the best at horse riding in the squad, Mikasa made sure the child was sitting right and then slowly moved her horse along the field.

Soon the long day came to an end as the squad spent their entire day enjoying their time with the cute child. It was now time for sleep, not for the cadets since they slept a little later but the child was tired.

Levi came to pick up the child and took the child to his room where he layed the child in his bed and carefully tucked her in blankets, he made sure to place pillows beside the child so she doesn't roll off the bed.

Hange dropped by Levi's room to say goodnight to the child but she was already asleep so hange decided on leaving before telling Levi that he would make up for a good father.


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