tonight you belong to me - hange ➹

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I know (I know)
You belong to somebody new
But tonight you belong to me

Although (Although) we're apart
You're a part of my heart
And tonight you belong to me

Wait down by the stream
How sweet it will seem

Once more just to dream
In the moonlight

My honey I know (I know)
With the dawn that you will be gone
But tonight you belong to me

Wait down, wait down along the stream
How very, very sweet it will seem

Once more just to dream
In the silvery moonlight

My honey I know (I know)
With the dawn that you will be gone
But tonight you belong to me
Just to little old me


The mad titan scientist felt herself sheepishly smiling at what she was planning. It had been some months since this new cadet joined the survey corps.

She was placed under hange's squad and also made hange's assistant, hange loved the girl more than anything, the girl would listen to her titan rants and help her til late night.

Hange's plan was suggested by levi who merely told hange to win and provide protection to the girl and she'll love her back and then he left to go have his tea, hange thought of Levi's words alot and then rushed to erwin's office.

Hange worked her plan which was to be nice to y/n, give her gifts, act like a man around her and save her from titans during missions, everything worked as she planned.

It was now another night when hange was working on something along with her little assistant looking at her working enthusiastically like always.

Hange sighed when her work was done and looked over to y/n who was asleep already, hange smiled and gently nudged the girl to wake up.

The girl woke up and looked up to hange, she doesn't know why herself but hange couldn't help but ask y/n if she was tired and wanted to go to sleep in her room.

Y/n nodded and both of them left hange's office to head to their rooms, on the way to her room y/n noticed a drunken cadet block her way, the cadet seemed to talk about bringing y/n to their room in a drunk tone.

Y/n backed away and tried to leave the drunk cadet who wasn't in his senses due to the amount of alcohol he consumed but he gripped her hand tightly causing her wince in pain, the hand swept away suddenly.

Y/n looked up to see hange standing beside her with the most serious and darkened expression she's ever seen on the scientist. Hange kicked the cadet in the stomach and he fell down curling into a ball.

Hange dragged y/n away to her room and once inside the room hange hugged y/n tightly as if she was trying to secure her, hange asked if y/n was okay to which she nodded.

Hange's eyes darted towards y/n's lips who looked way too kissable to her in the moment, without a second thought hange kissed her, a small gasp left the girl's mouth at the scientist's action.

Breaking the kiss hange apologised and held the girl again as if not wanting to go to her own room, the girl simply pushed hange towards her bed, she smiled awkwardly and suggested that they sleep together.

The girl crawled in her bed and began sleeping while hange looked at her with lustful eyes, hange layed beside the girl with her hand on her eyes. The girl soon fell asleep but hange didn't.

Hange wished to take this girl away, keep her to herself, hange knew herself she wasn't thinking right but it felt right to her in the moment so taking the opportunity that the girl was asleep hange picked her up bringing her to her own room.

Hange then drugged the girl and hid her in the separate room in her closet.
She knew the girl might come to hating her but atleast she'll be safe and always beside hange, her office was at the corner with no cadet ever coming there cause they feared Titan scientist's long rants and her office felt scary to them.



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