Chapter 1

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"You disgusting rat! Look at my dress" the rich looking lady screamed after the little girl accidentally bumped into her.

Rubbing her throbbing cheeks she apologized to the lady.

"Worthless rat" she spat before walking away.

She sighed and walked to her corner, where she did what she do everyday.


It was like this everyday. She would beg for food or money.

She was poor and homeless, what else could she do?

She had no education. She couldn't read or write and she had no parents.

Being a begger was not easy or fun but it's not always that bad. Yes she got dirty looks from people, she got beaten and humiliated but nice people still exists, so she gets food, a little money and sometimes old clothes or blankets from them.

While she stood there with her cup holding two coins, she heard lots of muttering and whispers.

She strained her eyes to look further down the street to where everyone was looking at, to see the mean man that always questioned the homeless adults and children.

"You" he stood in front of her.

"Let's talk"

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