Chapter 14

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After neatly folding their clothes and placing it in their cupboards, the little girl made her way to the kitchen where she had to make supper for her masters.

Her masters were going to arrive any minute now and if they do not see her behind the stove,

She'd get beaten.


The door unlocked.

They were here.

She quickly got off her small stool since she was too short to stir the pot and kneeled down on her knees.

"There she is!", Nick laughed clearly drunk, "Look at her Adrian. Isn't she so obedient?", he laughed while Adrian pulled him towards his room.

When Adrian returned he ordered her to resume her cooking.


She froze. He rarely called her by her name but when he does, that means he's mad.

"Y-Yes master" she stuttered.

"I saw you slept with your chain last night" he looked at her.

"Yes master"

"Didn't I tell you to sleep without it? Are you taking my kindness for granted huh? Are you that ungrateful?!" he yelled at her.

"M-Master Nick said that M-Master Adrian was being too soft with me s-so he put the ch-chain on me again", she managed to say. Her heart was racing. Her nerves were all over the place.

"That idiot", Adrian huffed, "Tonight, sleep without it. I'll lock the door so Nick cannot go in"

"Yes master"

She took out two plates, placed some food into it and sat in the corner of the room where she had to wait for scraps like she did everyday.

Adrian once again sighed out loud, "Come sit here" he ordered.

She got up without hesitation at sat in front on him.

He placed Nick's plate of food in front and her and simply said, "Eat".

This new behaviour of his is driving her crazy.

Does he want something?

Is he sick?


What did I do?

I don't know!

"Ask whatever is on your mind", he interrupted her thoughts, "Nick is dead asleep and I'm not in the mood to give punishments and orders. So, talk"

She hesitated a bit thinking it was a trap but since he never did this before, might as well see where it leads.

"Wh-Why is master different?"

"Different?" he raised an eyebrow at her.

"M-Master never let's me eat at a table o-or let me speak my thoughts. D-Did I do something?" her eyes were starting to tear up.

"No you didn't do anything kid. I just got a lot on my mind lately" he explained.

"Oh ..." was all she could say.

They ate in silence for a few minutes until he broke it again.

"The sellers or in your case, your old owners... do you miss them?"



She nod.

"Even after they sold you to us?"

It did hurt when they did nothing while Nick dragged her away and it's been three years since she last saw them and they never came to get her.

But, she missed Damien's head pats and Jonathan's smiles and food.

She nodded to his question.

Adrian observed the girl carefully while he placed his cheek against his fist.

"I can see why they got so attached to you", the little girl looked up at him, "We bought many females from them and they were always happy about getting rid of them and getting paid but when we took you, they were mad, angry even. Damien was always a dangerous guy so it was normal to see him glare at me but Jonathan, if looks could kill "

He reached over the table to pat her head, "I don't know what they see in you but whenever those two want something

They get it"

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