Chapter 27

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Emerald woke up the next morning feeling quite puzzled. Johnathan and Damien were telling her to behave and that they had some tasks to tackle, which she got, but then she stepped into the living room and saw breakfast all set on the table, looking absolutely scrumptious. Frozen was playing on the TV, and then Adrian appeared with a laundry basket and wearing an apron. It was as if he had transformed into a complete maid.

Adrian noticed she was awake and set the basket down, moving to pour her some orange juice. "I made breakfast and started your show. Damien mentioned you didn’t finish it last night," he said, offering her a slight smile. But she just looked at him, her face a mix of confusion and worry.

"D-Did I do something wrong, Master?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"Why would you think that?" Adrian replied, his own confusion growing.

"B-Because you made me breakfast and put on my show and the orange juice. A-Are you upset with me? Are you going to poison me, Master?" Emerald's eyes filled with tears, her heart racing. Adrian could be kind sometimes , but this level of kindness was unsettling for her.

He knelt down to her level, trying to reassure her. "First of all, don’t call me Master anymore. Just Adrian, okay?" She nodded, still looking anxious.

"Secondly, I’m not angry with you, and I have no intention of harming you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have made it out of that fire. And trust me, those two would make sure I don't ever try anything," he chuckled lightly, though the truth of it was serious.

"Are you really not mad?" she asked again, wanting to make sure.

"I'm not mad, little one," he said, giving her a gentle pat on the head.

"Now, why don't you have some breakfast and enjoy your show while I tackle the laundry? Does that sound good?" he suggested to the little girl.

"Yes, sir!" she exclaimed, her face lighting up as she hopped onto her chair and dug into the delicious food.

As the day went on, she and Adrian ended up having a blast together. They played hide and seek, watched Frozen 2 after she just couldn't get over how the first one ended, and attempted to bake cookies, which turned out to be a hilarious disaster since neither of them had a clue about baking. Adrian even tried to brush her hair, despite his lack of experience, and she adored the end result—a charmingly messy bun surrounded with butterfly clips.

Now, they were working on a 30-piece puzzle that sounded like a piece of cake, but here’s the catch: it was completely white. Just a plain white puzzle with no colors or images, making it a real challenge even for Adrian!

The door swung open, startling both of them as Adrian and Johnathan stepped inside, only to find the two seated on the floor, engrossed in their puzzle.

"Mr. Damien!" Emerald exclaimed, rushing over to wrap her arms around his waist, her small frame unable to reach any higher. "Hi, Em," he chuckled, playfully tousling her hair.

She frowned slightly, "Don't mess it up," as she smoothed her hair back down. "Mr. Adrian worked really hard on this."

The two men exchanged glances, their eyes landing on the man on the floor, visibly sweating and looking a bit anxious. "Mr. Adrian?" they both asked in unison.

Emerald nodded enthusiastically. "Yup! I can't call him Master anymore," she declared, darting back to her spot across from Adrian. "I want to finish my puzzle."

"Isn't that the dumb puzzle you bought last year?" Johnathan teased Damien, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Shut it! I had no idea what she would like," Damien retorted, his ears turning a faint shade of red as Emerald giggled beside him.

"I like anything you get me," she beamed at the two men, who returned her smile with warm, gentle eyes.

"Was Mr. Adrian behaving today?" Johnathan shot a suspicious glance at the man.

"Oh yes, we had so much fun!" Emerald began to chatter excitedly about their day, sharing every detail of their adventures and meals.

"That sounds like a blast, Em," Johnathan said, tickling her sides until her laughter filled the room.

As Emerald settled down from her giggles, her gaze shifted, and she noticed something the men had overlooked.

"Why do your clothes have red spots?"

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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