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“Why the fuck do I even agree to this?”, I have been asking myself the same question for the past hour.

When my friend Ramiz said that he need a favour I should have been alert, but was I?


Oh boy, look where it led me, in between this…Clucker Shack.

“Hey, over here!”, The sound of the other photographers screaming, yelling, almost doing everything in their power to get the attention of the celebrities.

Yeah, outside on this chilly night, crammed into this tight space, desperately trying to take a perfect shot, shouting at each other is what is missing.

Hope they don’t break into a fistfight.


The camera shutters echo around me, the flashes illuminating everything in a frenzy light making me question how come the people posing haven’t gone blind yet!

Standing inside this space, I couldn’t help but wonder, how out of place I am. This isn’t my scene, I would have preferred something…quiet. For example, something like the solitude of my quiet studio.

Agreed, It wasn’t as glamorous as this, but at least I won’t be having a sensory overload there.

Meanwhile, here I am, standing, sweating, amid the flashing cameras, hoping my deodorant is still doing its job. But at this moment, I don’t think the people around me cared about this.
They were all solemnly focused on one thing, Getting their perfect shot.

Every celebrity, adorning a “My entire life expense” fortune dress, guided by their publicist to their marked spot, ready to strike a pose.

One picture.

That’s all you get, a mere single frame where they look at your camera, just a second to capture their whole being. But some of the photographers aren’t willing to play ball, they might even start yelling even if it wasn’t their turn, hoping to get much more shots.

But hey, you got to do what you have to do.

I too need to get the perfect shot, at least for Ramiz’s sake. He should have been the one here, doing his job instead of me, a whiny moron, struggling to keep up.
But looks like fate had other plans.

Goldie, the most beloved, adorable 4-year-old golden retriever got sick, who happen to be Ramiz’s Dog. And unfortunately, I happen to have a soft spot for Goldie, not so much for Ramiz.

So, when he asked me this favor, to just take pictures of famous people, I agreed thinking how hard it’s going to be, I take pictures all the time, in my studio, even at some weddings, I thought I got this in my bag.

How wrong I was!

Little did I know what I was getting myself into—a whirlwind of flashing lights, pushy fellow photographers, and diva-like celebrities. Amidst all this, good old me.

As I adjusted my camera lens, trying to get the shot, a soft gasp escaped me as I was met with the softest blue eyes I have ever seen, looking right at me.

Bore into me, piercing through my soul, and leaving me momentarily speechless.
Caught me off guard with her beauty, I struggle to regain my composure, my hands trying to find the clicker.

She stood before me, a vision of ethereal elegance. Her golden hair cascaded in gentle waves, delicately framing her face and falling gracefully upon her shoulders.

Captured by Her |WLW|Where stories live. Discover now