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This headache is killing me.

Okay, that’s it. This is the last.

I am never drinking again.

With both my palm holding my pounding head, I got up from my bed.




Shit! I’m someone else’s bed.

Someone else’s house.

I looked down at my clothes to see that I’m barely wearing anything.

Does that mean—

Did I finally do it? First one night stand after a break up?

But whom did I went with?

Racking my brain, all I could remember was dancing with Aira,

Yeah—She wanted to make Amanda jealous and it was damn working.

But what happened next, they were all hazy, wait—I remember pushing someone against the wall and kissing the hell out of them.

I searched this unfamiliar, bougie looking room for my clothes. Oddly they were nowhere to be found.

A shirt draped over a chair caught my eye, I slipped into it.

Why does this shirt smell...familiar?

Though I couldn’t put my finger on who it belonged to.


I stepped out of the room, and I realized I don’t have to play detective to figure out anything.

There she was, on the wall, in all her wall sized glory, looking like a siren.

“Well, good morning to you too,” I muttered to the smug looking portrait.

“Good morning”

I let out a totally undignified yelp, spinning around to find her, a mug pressed against her lips, a secretive smile dancing behind the porcelain barrier,

She eyed me in her slightly loose-fit shirt, “Glad to see its a perfect fit”, she said, strolling toward me.

Is she making fun of me? Because I'm damn sure the shirt is gonna slip of me any moment.

How in the hell did I end up in her house of all places?

“Uh, yeah...thanks..?” I replied, sounding more like I was questioning.

“Why are you here?” I blurted out, and she raised a brow.

Wow! What a stupid question to ask.

Its her house, dipshit.

I cleared my throat, trying to regain my composure “I mean, Why...How am I here?” I asked her.

“You were drunk, So I brought you home”, she said, “Is pancakes fine?” she asked walking to the dining table.


She walked to the table, glancing my way, “Freshen up. There’s a spare toothbrush in the drawer beneath the sink” she said pointing to the room I just came out of.

I gave an awkward nod, when I splashed my face with water, the shock of cold water hit my face, and it was at that moment I realised that this definitely doesn’t look like a guest room.

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