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Smut warning !!!

Mature context ahead

Skip this chapter if you don't want to read smut

(But let's be real, we both know you aren't going to😈)

“Vera please”, she whimpered, the sound of her desperate voice made me smile like a Cheshire cat.

I grabbed her shoulders, and tug her down, pressing my mouth against hers, my impatient hands began slowly exploring her.

My hand slid up and down on her thigh, I pushed the flat of my palm between her legs, rubbing her through her pants.

She rips her mouth away to cry out.

She moaned, leaned back so she could push her hips up, trying to force my hand closer, trying to up the speed or the pressure or anything, anything at all.

I don’t know if she notice she’s doing that,

But every time she thrusts, I lighten my touch, stopping and then going back to the exact same pressure and pace as before.

I can tell she is really getting annoyed,
The constant pout and those sighs were feeding the fire,

I revel in the sight; there she is lying on my bed, like an offering.

All mine to take.

Her eyes were so dilated in desire, there is no way in hell I’m stopping now. I sat up and pulled her top off along with her bra. I almost ripped my dress in half, as I stripped down and pulled her into another kiss.

I tangled my hands into her hair and tugged gently, she moaned into the kiss and bit my bottom lip. She pulled away,

She looked divine,

Her innocence, almost a sinister beauty, tempting me to make her mine.

Wishing this sight is mine and just mine alone.

Chilling ideas started to whisper in my ears to chain her to my bed.

Patience, I’ve to hold it together.

I’ve waited for this for a long time, this is the first step in making her addicted to me, like I was addicted to her.

Or at least anywhere close to that level.


The logic part of my brain even at this time decided to be the better, like a wound, burning.

“What?”, I rasped,

She seemed scared but also aroused,

I can work with that.

Doubts creep in, though.

Am I pushing too hard? Did she change her mind?

Maybe I should just let her go?

I don’t think I can after she kissed me like that.

I definitely cannot.

“I don’t know how—I don’t know what to do”, she whispered like the little kitten she was.

God, can she be any more adorable?

If she keeps talking like that, with that look on her face I might give in to all my darkest desire and just swallow her...

I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her into a kiss.

I smiled into the kiss, “You”, pulling away, kissing down her neck,

Captured by Her |WLW|Where stories live. Discover now