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I cleared my throat, trying to keep it casual, meeting her gaze through the mirror.

“Ms. Martins,” I said, offering a nod without breaking our eye contact.

She arched a perfectly shaped brow, drawling out a deliberate


She has to know my last name right!?

The fact that she didn’t know my last name amused me. “Ashford, Natalia Ashford,” I stated, turning to face her.

She had this knack for cornering me in restrooms like this.

In that moment, we were in a silent, intense standoff, like no one existed in this world other than us. This was after she had spent the entire night dancing with someone else, acting like I didn’t exist.

“What are you doing here?” I managed to surprise myself with the steadiness in my voice.

“You do realize it’s a restroom, right?” she retorted condescendingly, making me feel stupid for a moment, just a moment.

Not today.

“Oh! Is that so? I thought this was the dining hall,” I quipped with faux nonchalance.

Oh, she didn’t like that, did she?

Well, tough luck.

Trying to breeze past her to the door, she blocked my path, mimicking my moves.

“What are you? A kid,” I scoffed, but she didn’t find it amusing. There was an almost-pissed look on her face.

What did I do?

“Ah, look at that. You don’t want to talk to me, but you have all the time to flirt with her?” she chuckled, and her laughter sent a chill down my spine.

Who? My thoughts must’ve been written all over my face as she spat out a name,


Now, annoyance replaced my initial amusement. “I was not—we weren’t—Why does it matter to you?”

I tried to land a verbal blow, an attempt to annoy her for reasons unknown. My words, however, brought a chilly smile to her face, making me regret opening my mouth.

“Why does it matter to me?” she echoed my words, her tone low, like a warning.

She advanced. I took a step back, trying to create distance, but my efforts were futile in front of her.


“It matters to me because she was looking at you like that,” she said, backing me against the wall.

“Like she wanted to devour you whole,” she continued,

“Like she would steal you.”

The intensity hung thick in the air as she spoke, our eyes locked in a silent struggle.

She inched closer, her lips so close on my ear, locking me with her touch, as if she was trying to imprison me right here.

With her watchful eyes, just her, guarding every inch.

“And you know why it matters, “ I didn’t answer, her breath hitting my ear,

“You looked like you would’ve let her”, she bit my earlobe.


If her words hadn’t stung , this moment might’ve sparked a whole different kind of heat.

I shoved her, fury licking my skin, all set to storm out of there. But an odd sensation in my chest made me turn back, facing her hard stare.

Captured by Her |WLW|Where stories live. Discover now