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When I woke up it was around 11 am, my hands immediately searching for my phone, and no, not for anything important.

Just to mindlessly scroll through the Instagram reels, whatever the algorithm has chosen for me to see.

Always dominated by the food videos like food around the world, and cute animals, and the animal of this week is leopard. Soo cute, yet so deadly.
As I reached for my phone, I was greeted by my face on the blank screen, resembling the member of the wildlife animals club with my bedridden hair, and my eyes sunken like I was battling with sleep.

Panic tingled my thoughts as I realize,

Is this the end? Has my phone suddenly decided to die on me?

No, no, no.

I cannot afford a new phone right now.

Not even a used one.

You know, maybe I was overreacting, as I took a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves, hoping it’ll just switch on to life, I plugged my phone to the charger.

Phew, Relief washed over me, as it flickered back to life.

Crisis averted.

After tending to my morning rituals, I came back with a cup of coffee in my hand for my daily dose of digital interaction.

Well, a cup might be an understatement, let’s just call it a mini cauldron.

When I lifted the phone, the first thing I checked was the scorching heat of the phone,

My phone was burning up, heat radiating  from it, you could even iron your clothes with it.

What in the hell?

As I further began to investigate, an overwhelming surge of notifications bombarding the Instagram icon.
Instinctively, I knew if I open the app, that, I can kiss my phone goodbye.

So, I just uninstalled the app, opting to check my account later on my PC.
In between the chaos, countless message saying congratulations got my attention.

What did I do for them to congratulate me? For what?

For waking up in the morning, no that can’t be it.

They would be happier if I wasn’t.

And among the texts, a message from Ramiz pierced through the digital storm,
“YOU ASSHOLE! WHY DID YOU POST THOSE PICTURES?”, his words screamed at me.

Go cry more,

Ha! This time he hasn’t spelled them letter by letter, well, that’s an improvement.

Unbothered I took a sip of coffee, as I lounged on my cozy, single-seat sofa, carefully positioned in front of the window.

Enjoying life.

Puzzled, I opened a text, to see what this was all about, until my friend's name popped out suddenly, startling the hell out of me.

I just let the phone ring for a moment, contemplating to whether pick it up now or wait and message her.

Reluctantly deciding to just pick up,
“I know you had your phone in your hand, why the hell did you took long”, Helen’s voice screamed at me from the phone.

I don’t think she even needs the phone, just shouting from her balcony is enough.

“Shit Helen, I just woke up, and it better be something call worthy”, I chided, attempting to quell her excessive energy.
She suddenly started screaming, of joy I hope, “CONGRATULATIONS!!!”, making me wince.

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