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"Are you alright, Nat?"

"Huh- Yeah,"

I looked at her, "Why?"

Amanda glanced at Aira as if she was contemplating whether to tell me or not, which is highly unusual of her.

"What?" I asked, a hint of annoyance creeping in.

Why am I annoyed?

I don't know, but if you ask a tall blonde who is hot as fire and even hotter with words that scorch you, she'll give you a million reasons.

Let's start with number one: Her existence.

"You're zoning out more than usual, Nat," Aira said, a touch of frustration in her voice.

What is she annoyed about?

Does she also have a tall blonde problem? No, she has a tall brunette problem.

"And it's kind of getting irritating. Look, even now," she continued. "She isn't listening to me. Does she look like she is listening to me?" She looked at Amanda, who waved her hands in front of me.

"Guys, I am listening," I sighed.

"Oh, is that so? Then what did I just say right now?" Amanda challenged,

Huh-She said she'll make me kiss her.

Why the heck would I want to kiss her? Her lips, so red, so soft. Who even wants to kiss her?

Besides... Besides, I am straight.


"Aira! What are you? A kid?" I quipped, rubbing my arm.

She pinched me.

"Well, I used to be one. And you are really grating on my nerves, Nat. Pay attention." She pointed to Amanda, who was showing us montage of event pictures on the projector slide.

"This was a really important event we're going to cover. So-," Amanda sighed. With the file she was holding, she hit me.







Sure, the hitting is definitely helping.

"I won't. Trust me, I won't. We're so gonna kill this," I tried to hype them up, earning a smile from Amanda, but Aira doesn't look impressed.

Mess this up, and I'm killing you. That's what her eyes are screaming

"Man, why am I the only one getting lectured here? Where is Ramiz? Shouldn't he be here right now?" I pondered aloud,

Aira paused, "Like, he would always be at his house when he was sulking," she finally said.

"And why would he be sulking?" I asked her confused, what happened?

she shot me an 'Are you kidding me' look as she spoke in disbelief, "you know his boyfriend dumped him, right?"


"What? When? How did you know?" I fired off a flurry of questions at her.

"He posted it on his Insta."

"That he got dumped...?" I asked her in shock, I've never seen him post about his breakups before.

"No, he posted a story with a broken heart."

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